EMPTY SECRETS (A Back Down Devil MC Novella)

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Book: EMPTY SECRETS (A Back Down Devil MC Novella) Read Online Free PDF
Author: London Casey
arm through, Jett couldn ’ t remember the last time he was
even this tender with a woman, or taking her clothing off.
    It pissed him off that he felt like
this right now. Taking a bloody shirt off a pretty woman and he was getting hot
and bothered by it. Things had just spiraled that far out of control for him
lately. Ever since Ada had been murdered, things were just off. Not that he
loved Ada. Or even cared about her. Fuck, he only missed her pussy. But there
was plenty of that out in the clubhouse.
    Jett cradled the back of Lena ’ s head, fingers dug into her
hair as he worked her shirt over her head. Just in case there was something
wrong with her neck he didn ’ t
want to add to it. Logic had him reversing all these decisions and just taking
the chick to the hospital. But history provided Jett with something else.
Doctors, lawyers, judges, police, it was all the same bullshit. Life was easier
to just figure it out on your own.
    Still holding Lena ’ s head in his left hand, he
pulled her toward his chest. With his right hand he balled up the shirt and
dropped it to the floor. He touched her side - bare skin - and eased her
back to the bed. His fingertips tingled at her warm touch. Her bra was solid
black, her breasts looking full and even delicious in it.
    Jett turned his head and let out a
breath. His hand touched the top of her jeans and he hurried to take his hands
off her body. Jett then stood up and made fists.
    “ You
really fucked up my night, Lena, ” he growled.
    Jett turned and went to the closet.
He learned at a young age to keep bags of supplies wherever he could find them.
The closet in the room being such a place. He had a black bag in the closet
with a few changes of clothes, a knife, and a gun. He wasn ’ t going for the knife or the gun
in this case.
    With a black shirt in hand, Jett
stood. He went back to the bed and dropped the shirt next to Lena. He reached
down and took her by the shoulders. Slowly he lifted her yet again. This time,
her eyes fluttered and then opened. She let out a gasp and looked ready to
    “ Hey,
hey, hey, beautiful, it ’ s
okay. I ’ m not going to hurt
you. I ’ m Jett … okay? ”
    “ Jett, ” Lena whispered. She licked her
    Sweet, little lips …
    “ Are
you hurt anywhere? Do you remember what happened? ”
    “ Where
am I? ” Lena asked.
    “ A
room. You ’ re safe. ”
    Lean reached up and touched Jett ’ s leather. Her fingers ran along
the ridges, the stitching, the patches on the front …
    “ You ’ re one of them, ” she whispered.
    “ One
of whom? ”
    “ Did
you save me? ”
    “ Beautiful,
you were on my motorcycle. I didn ’ t
know what the fuck to do. And you wouldn ’ t
wake up. ”
    “ You
saved me? ”
    “ Sure,
yeah, I saved you. Look, I took your shirt off because it had blood all over
it. I didn ’ t do anything …”
    Jett was given the fucking shock of
his life when Lean grabbed him by the neck and pulled. She didn ’ t move him, but she did lift
herself. Her lips connected with his and they were then kissing. Lena moved her
right hand and started to push at Jett ’ s
leather, like she wanted it off.
    As Jett shook her touch away, he
tried to break the kiss. Each time he did, Lena pulled at him, wanting more.
Finally, Jett had control of the situation and broke away from her.
    “ What
the fuck, beautiful … I don ’ t even know …”
    Lena didn ’ t say a word. She reached back and unsnapped her
bra. Jett couldn ’ t believe
his eyes when she stripped herself of her bra and put it next to her right on
the bed. She had her right hand to the bed, fingers curled around the sheets.
Her left fingertips playfully touched her hair, her shoulder, trailing a line
down to her left breast.
    Jett ’ s
mouth was on fire as much as his cock was inside his pants. He was fucking hard
as anything and he leaned at the bed, putting a hand to Lena ’ s belly.
    “ You
don ’ t know what you ’ re getting into, ” he
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