Emma: Part Three

Emma: Part Three Read Online Free PDF

Book: Emma: Part Three Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lolita Lopez
Tags: scifi romance, scifi erotic romance
scratching at the metal, and whacked into Max’s hip. The full force of two hundred plus pounds of that furry beast slammed him into the roll cage, smashing his upper arm. He winced. Come sunrise, he would be black and blue.
    “Get that fucking door unlocked, Leila!” Chloe Morgan was halfway out of the driver’s seat as she screamed at the other girl. “I’ll help with the wounded one.”
    “Yep.” Shotgun in hand, Leila dove out of the backseat of the truck and raced to the entrance of what looked like a culvert. She had lost her jacket and a shirt in the backseat, probably using them as trauma dressings for Butler. The thin tank she wore wouldn’t provide much cover or warmth once the storm hit.
    While he jumped down from the bed of the truck, he zeroed in with his night vision enhancements and spotted the sealed door there. “What is that?”
    “Tunnels,” Chloe explained as she helped him lift Butler out of the backseat. “People around here call them the tombs.” She made a face at the eardrum piercing squeal of a heavy metal door swinging on rusty hinges. “You’ll see why soon enough.”
    “Grab the weapons, Butch,” Max ordered as he carried Butler to the entrance of the tunnel. “And anything that can be used for first aid.”
    “There’s a box under the backseat,” Leila shouted as she ran back to help them.
    Grim suddenly barked, the sound one of pure warning.
    “Hell!” Leila lifted the shotgun she had been carrying and fired over the rear of the truck. “Y’all need to move. Now !”
    He didn’t pause to look back. He ran faster with Butler’s limp body in his arms and ducked his head as he entered the tunnel. The dank, wet smell of contained air punched him right in the nose. Underneath it all, he caught the scent of detritus and death. He decided not to venture far from the entrance and very gently put Butler on the ground.
    He rushed back to the door. “Come on! Move! Move! We’re right in the flight path!”
    His internal sensors clanged as Logan’s jet flew closer and closer. Seeing that Butch needed help, he raced out to give the cyborg a hand. Chloe and Leila were right behind him, both of them firing at the undead horde falling and tripping and rolling down the embankment. Grim barked incessantly.
    With a rough shove, he pushed Butch into the tunnel and then stepped out of the way as Grim barreled in behind them. There were three more shotgun blasts and then the sound of boots and scraping metal. Something heavy hit the cement floor. He spun around at the sound and spotted Chloe’s ax. Both women were fighting to secure the door. He shouldered them out of the way and yanked it hard to form the seal.
    A second later, the entire tunnel shook as the ground was pounded by bombs. The roar of the fiery torrent hit the door so hard the heat of it knocked him back a few feet. The women recoiled and Grim growled loudly.
    As the bombing continued up top, labored breaths filled the darkness. He could see the women, but they couldn’t see him. Leila slapped at the utility belt around her waist and freed a flashlight that she used to illuminate their space. The beam jumped around the small tunnel. “There should be some more first aid supplies, water, canned food and some emergency lanterns just beyond that first turn. Daddy has survival stashes all over the place.”
    “I’ll go,” Chloe said, picking up her ax. “I’m not good with blood.”
    “I don’t mind it.” Leila handed over her flashlight. “Watch out for snakes and rats.”
    “Will do.” Chloe whistled softly at Grim who padded along quietly behind her.
    Leila turned toward him, her expression one that was trusting even though she couldn’t see a damn thing in the dark. “Tell me what you need me to do.”
    “We’ve got to get some pressure on these wounds,” he said, rushing back to Butler’s side.
    “I’m not sure what sort of trauma dressings we have in here.” She plunked the metal first aid kit onto
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