Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance

Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance Read Online Free PDF

Book: Emerald: Rare Gems Series - Billionaire Wolf Shapeshifter Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathi S. Barton
take out, someone knocked on her door hard enough to make the hinges shake.
    “Let me in, Emerald. I want to talk to you.” Nolan shouted at her twice more before she heard someone tell him to go away. “I’m not talking to you. Butt the fuck out.”
    Mrs. Grosshandler, the woman who lived right across from her, shouted at him to go away again, and Emerald almost opened the door to make sure she was safe when her son spoke. He told Nolan to get the hell out of there before he called the police.
    “This is all her fault. Tell her to open the fucking door and I’ll go in and talk to her.” She was standing next to the door when he pounded his fist against it again. “Open the door, Emerald, or so help me, I’ll make you pay.”
    She wanted to cry. Emerald wanted to tell him to leave her alone, but that would only keep him there longer. Or worse, have him busting down the door again to get to her. She just wanted him to leave her alone. This was simply getting out of hand. What the hell had she done to make him do this to her?
    When it finally got quiet on the other side of her door, she moved to her couch and sat down. It was too late for her to grade papers, and she was too depressed to watch television. Instead, she sat there in the dark, wondering why her life was so screwed up…why she couldn’t meet the man of her dreams like her sisters had.
    “Because you’re a loser. I think we’ve had this conversation before.” Her wolf growled at her. “Oh, be quiet. You know as well as I do that the only type of men we attract are the kind that hit first and asks questions, if they have any, later. We’re gonna spend our whole lives wondering why we’re alone, too.”
    Closing her eyes, she laid down. She really was depressed. Emerald even thought about calling off work tomorrow, but knew that she wouldn’t. Not that she needed the money, because she wasn’t getting paid all that much and what little there was went right back into the class. The volunteers were helping out now. Not just with her class, but all three of the summer classes that were being held. And she was glad for that. But in five weeks the summer was over, and she’d be going back to the pack school. She was already looking forward to it.
    Letting sleep take her, she thought of her family again before sliding away. Emerald decided that she was going to be the favorite aunt. All her sisters’ children would come to her and she’d love it. Yeah, she thought, I’m going to have a family even if I have to pretend they’re mine.

Chapter 3
    The house was huge. No, that wasn’t right, it was monstrous. And it wasn’t a house so much as it was a home. This was just what he’d been looking for when he’d been house hunting a few months ago.
    “It’s a bit overwhelming, I know.” He smiled at Blair, who had picked him and his mom up at the airport along with Annabelle. “Sapphire and her family had purchased it before I met her. And I’m glad. It’s perfect for us.”
    “It certainly can hold you all.” Blair nodded and got out of the limo on his side. Jul was impressed with the big man. He wore his wealth like a skin. It fit him well and he wasn’t uncomfortable with it. “You’ve lived here since you two got married, then?”
    Blair helped him with his luggage and said he had. “As I said, Sapphire lived here first, and when we met, I moved in with them. The house needed some major help, and we’ve had a good time fixing it up.”
    It looked it too. Well-loved came to mind as he made his way up the front steps. And upon entering the stately home, he was shocked to see that the inside matched the outside in size and how it was well cared for. He ran his hand over the curved oak stair rail. Jul looked up the double staircase and wondered if any of them slid down it just for fun, and frowned. He had no idea where that might have come from.
    “We’ve put you on the second floor. The room is finished with its remodel, and since
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