Embrace (The Gryphon Series)

Embrace (The Gryphon Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Embrace (The Gryphon Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stacey Rourke
women, and children—and infected them with demon blood to transform them into soldiers.  They’ve had their entire lives torn away and are being made to fight a war that isn’t theirs.”  His chiseled jaw clenched as he stared off into the distance.  “It’s not your death we want.  It’s our freedom.” 
    I folded my arms around myself out of equal parts the chilly night, and the idea of children being held captive in the Underworld for centuries.  I didn’t know what went on in the demon dimension, but I assumed it wasn’t bake sales and family friendly soirees. “Are you messing with me?  Trying to make me feel guilty about killing friends of yours by playing them off as the victims?”
    His abrupt laugh held no humor as he turned those blue eyes back my way.  “You haven’t killed anyone you should harbor any guilt over.  Believe me.  But they are out there and they need help.”
    “You keep saying ‘they’.”  I pointed out.  “ You weren’t taken against your will?”
    “No.”  He said, with a menacing half-grin and a coldness in his eyes that rivaled that of the night.  “I chose me path voluntarily.  Others didn’t have that luxury.”
    “Why are you telling me this?  What am I supposed to do about it?”  I asked turning my palms to the heavens.
    He stepped in closer and brushed his hand down the length of my arm.  The intensity of his stare made my knees wobbly—even though I really knew it shouldn’t.  “ You have to save them.”
    “ Like Russel Crow in Gladiator .”  I yammered as I gaped up at him.
    His brow furrowed.  “Who?”
    “Never mind.”  I shook my head and took a few mind clearing steps away from the smokin’ hot demon.    With distance I regained my composure.  Feelings of doubt and mistrust reared their heads and refused to be ignored.  “Why should I believe a word you’re saying right now?  You’re on the lying, cheating, murderous side of this war.  This whole thing could be part of some big major plot against me.”
    “You can believe me because I have—ahem— ways of making people do what I want.”  I could feel the heat of his gaze as he looked me up and down with appreciation.  “But I didn’t use them on you.  I came to you in a civilized fashion, so you would know you can trust me.”
    “What ways?”  I gave myself a mental flogging for how squeaky and breathless the words came out.
    He crooked one eyebrow as a wide grin spread across his face, “Maybe next time I’ll show you. For now, think about what I said.  If you think you could trust the likes of me, I’ll tell you how we could save those poor souls.  Until then, lass.”  One last leering look, accompanied by a flirty wink, then he vanished in a cloud of black smoke.

    The lights over the highway whizzed past as I kept the accelerator jammed to the floor.  Rowan told me to trust him.  No, a demon told me to trust him.  And for a split second I considered it.   The tragic story he wove like an elaborate tapestry was believable enough.  The source, on the other hand, was not.  But I had let him get in my head—if only for a moment—and infect me with lies that he would undoubtedly use against me.  If I let him.  And I had no intention of doing that.  Gabe, Kendall, and I were going to go up into the mountains with our powers and abilities a blazin’ whether they liked it or not.  No demon anywhere around would be able to resist the draw of that.  Once the golden boy showed up, I was going to kill him before he could utter one more deceptive word. 
    Of course if his shirt happens to get ripped off while we’re fighting that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world either. I thought, and then immediately reprimanded myself for it.
    I pulled into the driveway and glanced down at the clock. Nine o’clock.  The house and the street were dark as the neighborhood settled in for the night, but I doubted Gabe
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