
Elicitation Read Online Free PDF

Book: Elicitation Read Online Free PDF
Author: William Vitelli
flawlessly. Eileen’s mother sat in the front row and glowed with pride as Eileen walked down the aisle with her father, cried in happiness as she and Anthony exchanged their “I dos.” Afterward, the entire crowd of people, nearly sixty in all, descended on the banquet hall for the reception.
    The afternoon was a frenzy of activity. Eileen’s mother fretted over the time. “I know the airline tells you to be at the airport two hours early, but you’re flying overseas. Shouldn’t you get there even earlier than that? Maybe you should leave now. Is four hours too early? Did you remember your passports? I knew it was a bad idea for you to leave straight from the reception. What if you left something at home? You won’t have time to stop and get it. Did you leave anything at home?”
    Anthony’s friend and best man Robert, who’d traveled from Chicago for the wedding, offered a long, rambling toast, filled with in-jokes and slightly off-color comments that made Eileen’s mother harrumph and shoot him disapproving looks. He ended more seriously: “As Anthony and Eileen travel forward together as husband and wife, they will face surprises and challenges as they adapt to their new roles. I am certain that they have it within them to adjust to these changes, and will ultimately find happiness in their new lives. To Anthony and Eileen!”
    The guests applauded, drank champagne, danced. The photographer took pictures of the two of them, their family, and the guests; the guests took pictures of each other. Eileen’s mother became obsessed with the clock, growing more and more agitated until finally she couldn’t take it any more. “Off! Go! Both of you! Right now! You need to get to the airport! Do you have your passports? Go!” Anthony laughed with good humor, and bade Eileen to change for the flight. He turned the wedding dress and his tuxedo over to the care of her mother. Task done, he took Eileen by the arm and escorted her to the waiting limousine.

Chapter 3
    The trip to the airport went quickly. Anthony had packed an astonishing quantity of luggage, including a very large steamer trunk, locked with a heavy padlock, whose contents were a complete mystery. They checked in with ample time, and waited at the terminal, tickets in hand.
    “Do you feel any different, now that you’re officially my wife?”
    She smiled. “Not really, no. I feel the same as I did this morning, only maybe a little more tired.”
    He chuckled. “Oh, I’m sure you will. I have plans for you this evening.”
    She slapped his hand. “Anthony! Stop that!”
    “Stop what?” he asked innocently.
    She lowered her voice. “Stop referring to sex! There are other people here.”
    “How do you know I was referring to sex?”
    She looked away without answering.
    Eventually, they were called to board. The layover in Newark was brief, and before long, the plane was winging over the ocean. Eileen, exhausted, settled back in her seat, and soon fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, where she remained for the rest of the flight.
    They arrived midmorning London time. After waiting in line at customs, they were greeted by a driver from the hotel where they’d booked their stay. Anthony struggled to wrestle the pile of luggage into the van. As they made their way through busy streets, Eileen watched the city go by with wonder and awe; this was her first time traveling abroad, and everything seemed strange and exotic. The buildings of the theatre district slid by the windows.
    When they arrived, the driver helped Anthony unload the baggage. Eileen listened entranced as Anthony spoke to a man behind the desk about their reservations. Everything, from the accents of the hotel staff to the unfamiliar road signs on the street, seemed to reinforce the sense that they were in an exotic, faraway land. She was almost disappointed when he finished checking in and they rode up to the penthouse suite.
    The disappointment vanished as they stepped into the
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