Elemental Reality

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Book: Elemental Reality Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cesya Cuono
green ones the nervousness that splayed across his face was washed away, and he gave me the biggest smile ever. My insides tingled from both fear and want. My body was confused. Stupid girly hormones.
    “I, um, where . . . how . . . uh . . . hi?” I stuttered. I was no Princess of Shakespeare that was for sure.
    “G’day,” he greeted all charmingly, smile firmly in place. “I’m Oli Drayke, your new neighbor. Well, not really new. I’ve lived next door”—he pointed to his left—“for a couple weeks, but I’ve been too shy to come over. But I saw you at 1982 last night—at least I think it was you—and decided to come over and say g’day. I didn’t wake you, did I?”
    He had this mesmerizing Australian accent, and I swore my legs went all kinds of floppy. His voice was deep. No, silky. No, no, it was smooth. Ah hell, who was I kidding? It was all three at once.
    What about Cayden? I mentally chided myself. That’s who I really wanted. Right? Not some silver-tongued Aussie with his velvety words and rock-hard body. I wiped my mouth to make sure I wasn’t salivating. We’re afraid of him, remember? I internally yelled at myself. You want Cayden! I wanted them both. It was so hard being a girl.
    “Yes, that was me,” I squeaked. “Hi, I’m, uh, Callie Pierce. I can’t believe you remembered me.” Oh sure, be flattered. You’re already playing into his hands, I scolded myself.
    “How could I forget a beauty like you?”
    Fine. Wax poetic, Aussie boy. See if it affects me. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.” I gave him a shy smile as my cheeks flushed, outing my embarrassment. Okay, maybe his words did affect me. So what? “Would you like to come in for some tea?” The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.
    “It’s very nice to meet you too,” he said, looking like some Aussie God. “It’s a little early for a cuppa tea isn’t it?”
    “What?” I asked, confused. “It’s never too early for tea.”
    “Oh.” He chuckled. “Sorry, I keep forgetting I’m not home anymore. When someone invites you over for tea in Australia it means supper. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to these Yank customs.”
    “I’ll teach you.” I smiled. “Come on in.” Hell, I’d be his personal tour guide to the U. S. of A. if he’d let me. Ugh. What was he doing to me? It must be the accent, because last night he had been staring daggers into my skull. You don’t want him. You fear him. I wanted him . No. Yes. Stop! Admit it. We’re done. The mental war in my head was about to turn bloody.
    He followed me into the house and into the living room. Once he was settled, I went to the kitchen where I filled the teakettle and placed it on the stove. Because our dining room, living room, and kitchen were one big open area, I could see him standing by the wall shelf looking at family pictures. Every chance I got I peeked at him to make sure he wasn’t going to pull a knife or kidnap me. The images of his furious expression the night before flashed over and over in my mind. Hopefully he wouldn’t tie me up. You’d like that. Shut up!
    “This is a really great place you’ve got,” he called out. “It’s the four of you living here?”
    After I grabbed mugs, I approached him warily. “No, it’s just me and my dad. My sister comes home occasionally, but she lives at school.” He gave me a questioning look. “My mom left us twelve years ago.”
    “Oh?” He looked confused and horrified. I didn’t understand the former emotion, or why it sat so strongly on his face. “I’m sorry I brought it up.”
    “It’s fine.”
    Mind your own business! I’d tell him anything. He’s collecting information so he can stalk you easier. No, he isn’t. Yes. No. Next he’ll ask if your bedroom is on the ground floor. Shut up! Why wasn’t Cayden calling? It was official: Callie Pierce has gone all personality disorder. My brain was exhausting me.
    Our conversation seemed to take an
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