
Electric! Read Online Free PDF

Book: Electric! Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ava McKnight
    She sighed. “You are never going to give that up, are you?”
    “What? Calling you Cass or trying to talk you into my bed?”
    He shook his head. “No, I am not.”
    She laughed softly. “You’re a huge pain in the ass. You know
that, right?”
    “So are you. But I keep coming back for more.”
    They slammed another shot. Then he handed her the glass of
champagne the bartender had poured earlier. “Follow me.”
    “Absolutely not.”
    He chuckled at her obstinate nature—and the fact that she
didn’t want to give up her security blanket. Also known as Blaine Morgan. “Don’t
worry, beauty queen. I’m not going to molest you in some dark corner.”
    “Beauty queen? Really? I always feel like such a tomboy.”
    “You’re kidding?” His gaze slid over her. “That’s not what I
see at all.”
    She eyed him with skepticism. “A man who looks like you
could do much better.”
    Chase smirked. “Do you own reflective surfaces in your home?
If so, try stepping in front of one sometime.”
    He led her away from the bar and all the noise. They found a
quiet corner. Dark, yes, but that hadn’t been his intention. Turned out to be
convenient, though. He propped a shoulder against a patio door and stared out
at the post-winter wonderland now covering the country club’s event lawn and
all those amazing pine trees.
    “Damn pretty, isn’t it?” he asked.
    “Yes. The moonlight makes all the powdery white glitter. I
miss the snow sometimes.”
    “Why’d you leave Connecticut?”
    She shrugged. “I wanted to land a job on my own. Not use my
family name to get my foot in the door.”
    “You would’ve proven your worth in gold no matter how you
got your start.”
    She stared up at him, a soft smile on her glossy lips.
Christ, she made his chest tighten and his cock throb.
    “You don’t have to sweet-talk me, Chase.”
    “I’m not. I respect you. And I think you bring a shitload of
value to MII.”
    Her head inclined to the side. “You’ve never said that to me
    “Do I really have to?” He gave her a direct look. “You put
your heart and soul into the job. Everyone knows that, Cass. Including
McClellan. The question is…”
    Pushing too far, Chase.
    He shook his head, averted his gaze.
    “What?” she asked, sounding unnerved. Then she let out a
harsh breath. “Oh right. This always comes up.”
    “ This what?”
    “I have boobs in a profession dominated by penises.”
    His gaze snapped back to her. “That’s not at all what I was
going to say.”
    “Really?” She challenged him with a raised brow. “Because
everyone else seems to think the same thing. Why am I wasting my time, busting
my ass to be someone in this field when I could be content with a husband who
works hard so I don’t have to?”
    “Wow.” He whistled under his breath.
    Cassidy sighed. She was quiet for a moment as she seemed to
collect her thoughts.
    Chase waited patiently.
    “Sorry. It’s just that, my mom’s father and then my dad
wanted to do everything for her. Give her everything her heart desired. Treat
her like a princess or a queen. And while she didn’t discount their desires—and
their generosity certainly didn’t go unappreciated—she wanted to be able to
give something in return. I found that a very noble notion.”
    She seemed to contemplate this further, then added, “My mother
wanted to buy them gifts with money she’d earned—not with their money.
She wanted them to be proud of her. She wanted Gav and me to be proud of her
too. It meant something to her to be somebody, to contribute not only to her
household, but to society.”
    She sighed and turned away, as though she thought he didn’t
understand what she was saying to him. Not the case at all.
    “Hey,” Chase said as he lightly touched her arm. The most
intimate contact he’d ever ventured because, despite his inescapable desire to
flirt with her, he respected her boundaries. Yes, he was upfront with
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