her decline and death, 339–40
first collapse, she’s hospitalized, 331–33
full of childhood stories, 321
grandchildren special pleasure, 321–22
her work for and advice to Kennedy, 324–27
insists on going to Campobello, her stay there and return to Val-Kill, 333–34
journalistic and literary work, 311–12
knocked down by car, Anna urges she slow down, 312
lack of pretense, no cause too small, 315
lecturer at Brandeis, refuses special treatment, 310
rehospitalized, wishes to die, 337–38
relationship with Jacqueline Kennedy, 328–29
returns home, confused by news of Cuban missile crisis, 338
sense of history and Roosevelt role in it, 320
senses death near, prepares for, 329–31
at seventy-five, famous, successful, active, 309–10
slowing down, aplastic anemia diagnosed, 329
still active (spring, 1962), 331
straitlaced about social behavior, 322–23
television work, margarine commercial, 311
in touch with Robert Kennedy on civil rights, 327
trip to Europe (1962), 329–30
Uncle David’s sallies before Soviet guests, 320–21
use of atom bomb on Japan not a mistake (1959), 326n–27 n
Val-Kill picnics, youth special concern, 314
Val-Kill still home, prefers letters to phone, 313
vision and compassion, the victim’s ally, 312
Roosevelt, Eleanor, trip to Soviet Russia, meeting with Khrushchev, 271–76
return to U.S., thoughts on Khrushchev, 276
Roosevelt, Elliott, 3, 7, 13, 71, 132, 167, 176, 178, 185, 188, 208, 229, 257, 288, 311, 333, 336
attacked for views in As He Saw It , Eleanor’s defense of, 78–79
commissions portrait of Eleanor, 171
Eleanor’s advice to stay out of politics, 174
partnership with Eleanor at Val-Kill, 168–69
personality, Eleanor’s special affection for, 170, 178
as producer of Eleanor’s television and radio shows, 181–83
Roosevelt, Faye Emerson, see Emerson, Faye
Roosevelt, Franklin, III (grandson), 321, 322, 335
Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr., 8, 20, 79, 132, 167, 170, 174, 175, 176, 202, 204, 205, 208, 288, 291, 299, 300, 302, 305, 315, 319, 324
De Sapio occasions his 1954 defeat, Eleanor’s retaliation, 279–81
“draft Eisenhower” movement and (1948), 139–41
elected to Congress (1949), 173
re-elected, 176
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 12, 13–14, 15, 16, 18, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 52, 74, 75, 82, 103–4, 114, 133, 134, 143, 150, 167, 168, 169, 175, 177, 178, 188, 208–9, 210, 213, 214, 225, 239, 243, 246, 249, 258, 259, 260, 261, 272, 275, 319, 327, 345, 347
death of, settling his estate, 1–9
and Eleanor’s interest in UN, 19
and Jewish refugee question, 99, 101–2, 103
meeting with Joseph Kennedy, 293
postwar Allied unity and, 78
Roosevelt, Hall, 173, 333
Roosevelt, Haven, 321
Roosevelt, James, 3, 5, 7, 14, 79, 132, 167, 169, 205, 208, 284, 288, 300, 324, 332, 339 n
criticizes Truman Doctrine, 135
dressed down by Truman during 1948 campaign, 144
prepares to run for California governorship, 173
seeks Truman’s support, 174
Truman doesn’t endorse, he’s defeated, 175
wins primary, 174
Roosevelt, Janet, 173
Roosevelt, Joan, 337
Roosevelt, John, 173, 208, 230, 233–34, 304, 314, 315, 319, 320, 321, 334
Roosevelt, Minnewa, 223, 227, 229
Roosevelt, Nina, 321–22, 329
Roosevelt, Sally, 304
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 227
Roosevelt, Theodore, 18, 151, 310
Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr. (grandfather), 321
Roosevelt, Tony, 188
Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History , 184
Roosevelt Home Club, 320
Roosevelt I Knew, The, 44
Roosevelt in Retrospect , 187
Roosevelt Story, The , 169
Roper, Elmo, 187
Rosenberg, Anna, 167, 202, 257, 282, 293, 297, 305
Rosenman, Dorothy (Mrs. Samuel), 246
Rosenman, Samuel, 241, 269
Rosenmans, the, 291
Rosenthal, A. M., 220
Rosenwald, Lessing J., 105, 115
Ross, Irwin, 163
Rowan, Carl, 150, 268
Rusk, Dean, 59, 122, 189
Russell & Company, 230
Rutherfurd, Lucy Mercer, 4, 6, 208
Rutledge, Wiley, 1
Sachar, Abram, 310, 344 n
St. Laurent, Louis S., 166
St. Lawrence Seaway project,
Lisa Hollett, A. D. Justice, Sommer Stein, Jared Lawson, Fotos By T