Disruptions I observe in the literary and amateur Press Associations of today. This Tranquillity was the more remarkable, because we had amongst us Gentlemen of very opposed Opinions. Dr Johnson and I, as well as many others, were high Tories; whilst Mr Burke was a Whig , and against the American War , many of his Speeches on that Subject having been widely publish’d. The least congenial Member was one of the Founders, Sir John Hawkins , who hath since written many misrepresentations of our Society. Sir John , an eccentrick Fellow, once declin’d to pay his part of the Reckoning for Supper, because ’twas his Custom at Home to eat no Supper. Later he insulted Mr Burke in so intolerable a Manner, that we all took Pains to shew our Disapproval; after which Incident he came no more to our Meetings. However, he never openly fell out with the Doctor, and was the Executor of his Will; tho’ Mr Boswell and others have Reason to question the genuineness of his Attachment. Other and later Members of the CLUB were Mr David Garrick , the Actor and early Friend of Dr Johnson , Messieurs Tho and Jos Warton , Dr Adam Smith , Dr Percy , Author of the Reliques , Mr Edw . Gibbon , the Historian, Dr Burney , the Musician, Mr Malone , the Critick, and Mr Boswell . Mr Garrick obtain’d Admittance only with Difficulty; for the Doctor, notwithstanding his great Friendship, was for ever affecting to decry the Stage and all Things connected with it. Johnson , indeed, had a most singular Habit of speaking for Davy when others were against him, and of arguing against him, when others were for him. I have no Doubt that he sincerely lov’d Mr Garrick , for he never alluded to him as he did to Foote , who was a very coarse Fellow despite his comick Genius. Mr Gibbon was none too well lik’d, for he had an odious sneering Way which offended even those of us who most admir’d his historical Productions. Mr Goldsmith , a little Man very vain of his Dress and very deficient in Brilliancy of Conversation, was my particular Favourite; since I was equally unable to shine in the Discourse. He was vastly jealous of Dr Johnson , tho’ none the less liking and respecting him. I remember that once a Foreigner, a German , I think, was in our Company; and that whilst Goldsmith was speaking, he observ’d the Doctor preparing to utter something. Unconsciously looking upon Goldsmith as a meer Encumbrance when compar’d to the greater Man, the Foreigner bluntly interrupted him and incurr’d his lasting Hostility by crying, ‘Hush, Toctor Shonson iss going to speak!’
In this luminous Company I was tolerated more because of my Years than for my Wit or Learning; being no Match at all for the rest. My Friendship for the celebrated Monsieur Voltaire was ever a Cause of Annoyance to the Doctor; who was deeply orthodox, and who us’d to say of the French Philosopher: ‘Vir est acerrimi Ingenii et paucarum Literarum.’
Mr Boswell , a little teazing Fellow whom I had known for some Time previously, us’d to make Sport of my aukward Manners and old-fashion’d Wig and Cloaths. Once coming in a little the worse for Wine (to which he was addicted) he endeavour’d to lampoon me by means of an Impromptu in verse, writ on the Surface of the Table; but lacking the Aid he usually had in his Composition, he made a bad grammatical Blunder. I told him, he shou’d not try to pasquinade the Source of his Poesy. At another Time Bozzy (as we us’d to call him) complain’d of my Harshness toward new Writers in the Articles I prepar’d for The Monthly Review . He said, I push’d every Aspirant off the Slopes of Parnassus. ‘Sir,’ I reply’d, ‘you are mistaken. They who lose their Hold do so from their own Want of Strength; but desiring to conceal their Weakness, they attribute the Absence of Success to the first Critick that mentions them.’ I am glad to recall that Dr Johnson upheld me in this Matter.
Dr Johnson was second to no Man in the Pains he took to