Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1)

Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Echoes Through the Mist: A Paranormal Mystery (The Echoes Quartet Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: K. Francis Ryan
near the Irish coast, the Pale Man sat in his study with his eyes closed. His face was a mask of malicious satisfaction. The steady tick of a clock was the only sound, his only companion. The sun rose, but was held at bay by thick heavy draperies. His work required neither light nor warmth.
    Miles away a sharp featured old woman fell to her knees and cried out in agony and terror. Clutching her abdomen as the spasms that racked her body subsided, she gasped for breath.
    The Pale Man opened his eyes and smiled.
    Julian didn’t plan on sightseeing. He had prepared for this trip as he had for his college adventure. Galaxy Army Navy Surplus on West 30th Street in New York satisfied all of his travel needs. He had everything he needed from a vintage leather bomber jacket to hiking boots. He had been extravagant and spent an extra three dollars for an upgraded duffle bag,
    With a wistful smile and a sad shake of her head Julian’s assistant, Olivia, had given him a stunningly complex Swiss Army knife. He was delighted beyond words even though he had no idea what he was going to do with it, but any instrument that came with a fish scaler (hook disgorger included) and ruler had value that was at once practical, intrinsic and aesthetic. Besides that, it was unreasonably cool.
    Julian smiled as he waited at the baggage carousel. Olivia was one of the few who had known he was leaving the country and even she did not know why or where he was going. Julian found it was easy to keep the why of his reasons a secret from her. He had only a fuzzy notion of the motives behind any of his recent actions.
    As he stood at the baggage carousel, Julian reached into his shirt pocket and removed a note. It was worn and creased from the number of times he had studied it. In a very neat hand it read,
    Dear Julian,
    Below you will find our address and telephone number. Please send us your flight information and the professor and I will collect you from the airport in Dublin.
    You are not alone now. Please, remember that. You will find there are those of us who are anxious to support and nurture you. Just now, you are a man sorely in need of the comfort of a safe harbor. We can provide that if you will only allow it.
    The professor and I look forward to seeing you soon. It will be necessary to give Reginald a few of the particulars of your trip. Please trust I will give him as few as possible in order to protect your privacy. I know it does not seem so at first, but the professor is discretion itself. Still, I will tell him what I must and you are then free to tell him what you like.
    Julian folded the note and put it back in his pocket as he stood facing the baggage carousel. He collected his duffle bag, cleared customs and proceeded through the low compact structure that was Dublin International Airport.
    “Friend Blessing!” the professor shouted as he scuttled through the airport terminal. His arms were spread wide and his face beamed its owner’s pleasure.
    At seeing the professor, Julian’s smile became a wide grin and he quickened his pace. The rumpled little man wasn’t just happy, he was a carrier of happiness, a regular pandemic of delight.
    “Ireland welcomes you. Now come with me. My lady wife awaits in the car and she does not wait well so we must make haste,” the professor announced.
    Julian laughed in a way that he immediately saw was new to him. His laughter was unrestrained, unselfconscious. It was the natural response to a joke enjoyed rather than the obligatory noise heard so often in New York. There, it was laughter devoid of humor because the humor was vicious and always at the expense of those who were absent.
    The professor began to lead the way to an exit, but Julian stopped and redirected their path. “I don’t know why I think so, but a short time ago Bridget moved the car. She should be right through this door. It’s odd how things come to you like that, eh? Why are you staring at
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