Eat the Ones You Love (The Thirteen Book 2)

Eat the Ones You Love (The Thirteen Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Eat the Ones You Love (The Thirteen Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.L. Murray
Living kept coming, even when Trix started the car and gunned it. They set off with a screech of tires, but the rumble grew louder. They’d only managed to get about ten feet before a truck burst from behind the brush, blocking the road. There was no room to go around it as the trees lined the road closely. Trix rammed into reverse and slammed down the gas pedal just as another truck on giant wheels blocked them in back.  
    Without saying a word, Declan and Trix got out of the car, Declan with his axe and Trix with her two long Bowie knives.  
    “Stay here,” Jenny told Zeke, who looked around with wide eyes.  
    “No,” said Zeke.
    Jenny started to get out but Zeke grabbed her shirt, like an insistent child.
    “You can’t,” he said. “This is bad. Bad, bad, bad.”
    “Why?” said Jenny. “Did you have a vision?”
    “No,” he said. “But we have to go.”
    “Well, that’s going to be hard,” said Jenny. “I’ll be right back.” She plucked his hand off her shirt and got out of the car. Zeke rolled down the window with a great amount of effort. Jenny looked at him with annoyance.
    “Close the fucking windows, Zeke. Lock the car.”
    “You’ve already lost him.”
    “What?” said Jenny. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
    “You know what I’m talking about,” said Zeke. He closed his eyes for a moment as an apparent wave of dizziness took him. He opened his eyes again and looked at her. “It’s not your fault. Just don’t do anything stupid.”
    Jenny looked at Declan, who was looking around him like it was an all-you-can-eat buffet. She looked back towards Zeke, but he’d cranked the window back up and seemed to have fallen over in the back seat. Jenny swallowed down bile.  
    There were at least fifty, Jenny saw. Dregs maybe. Or Heathens seeking revenge for the kid Declan killed. She and Deck and Trix were strong, but not strong enough for this many Living. And from the look on Declan’s face, Jenny knew she had to do something before he got himself killed.
    “I’m hungry,” Declan said under his breath.
    “Fuck this,” said Jenny. She stepped forward. “Fuck this shit,” she repeated louder so everyone could hear her. “What the fuck do you want?” she called, looking from face to face. There was hatred in each set of eyes. Jenny looked back at Trix, who wore a sneer. Declan licked his lips. Jenny knew that Trix hadn’t eaten in a while. It usually wasn’t a problem, but they were surrounded by warm, breathing Living. Jenny remembered what it was like. The constant thumpthumpthump of hearts in her ears, the smell of blood, the craving that couldn’t be denied. Declan and Trix were going to die here because they couldn’t see past their hunger. “What the fuck do you want?” Jenny said again, through clenched teeth.  
    Three stepped forward. Two big men in battered leather coats and a gorgeous black woman in nothing but a halter top and ripped jeans, stained brownish red. Jenny looked from face to face, waiting for someone to speak.
    “Is this a fucking staring contest?” said Trix, “Because I think we might have an advantage over you fucks.”
    The woman stepped forward.
    “The Thirteen in the flesh, I presume,” she said, smirking at her little joke. “How sweet.”
    “Who the fuck are you?” said Jenny. “What is this?”
    “I’m Gretchen,” she said. “And we don’t want you. You… things can go free. Walk away.”  
    “You’re not getting our ride,” said Declan.  
    “We don’t want your shitty-ass car,” said Gretchen. “We want what’s inside.”
    “You want our guns?” said Trix. “Ain’t no bullets, bitch.”
    “Not the guns,” said Gretchen. She smiled unpleasantly. “We’ve come for the Prophet.”
    Jenny glanced back at the car. Zeke was not visible in the back seat; he must have passed out. She met Trix’s eyes. Declan was biting his cheeks, fighting like hell not to eat the bitch.
    “Kind of underdressed for a fight,
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