Earth Child (Romance Novels of The Fae Realm)

Earth Child (Romance Novels of The Fae Realm) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Earth Child (Romance Novels of The Fae Realm) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rosemary Green
dresser and pulled out my special hiking socks and hiking pants that Sam had given me.  The bottom half of the pants can zip off and become shorts if the hiker gets too hot.  They were completely hideous, but like my clunky shoes they were 100% functional.  I put on my lotion/sunscreen and then quickly dressed in my hiking pants, clean tank top and a baseball cap, feeding my ponytail through the back of the cap.  Before leaving my room I added more sunscreen to the backpack and put some Chap Stick in my pocket. 
                My good mood continued as I bounced down the stairs and headed for the kitchen.  Not surprisingly Dad was already awake, sitting at the table reading the newspaper.  He looked up from his reading momentarily when I walked in.
                “Well you’re up early,” he remarked.
                “Amazing right?  I actually slept really good last night.”
                I grabbed a couple of bottles of water out of the fridge and put them in my backpack.  I put some pop-tarts in the toaster, grabbed an orange from the bowl of fruit on the counter and started peeling.  For a professor, Dad wasn’t much of a talker at home.  Maybe it was because he lectured all day.  I just think he liked the silence.  My mood was such that silence suited me.  I was still thinking about Cerus.
                “Do you know what time you guys will be home?” Dad asked.
                “Not late,” I reply around a mouthful of orange, “Sam’s grandma is coming in town tonight so he has to be home in time for dinner.”
                “Okay be safe, and put on your sunscreen.”
                I nod my head, my mouth too full to speak.  Standing up I reach for the toaster and my pop tarts.  Dad slowly turned the page in his paper and continued reading.  I sat there for a few minutes watching him.  Kind of picking at my pop tarts, they are always too hot to eat right away, I cleared my throat.
                “Hey dad, can I ask you a question?”
                “Sure kiddo.”
                “How did you know when you wanted to marry mom?”
                I knew I had his attention when he folded up his newspaper and looked at me directly.  I kept my eyes down, too embarrassed to make eye contact. 
                “Well, I guess it was after we had been dating for a few months.  I mean I knew that she was special right away and I knew that I wanted to know her better.  Does that answer your question?”
                “Well, sort of.  I guess I mean when did you know you loved her?”
                “Humph.  Well that is a good question.  Love is a powerful emotion, and something that should not be taken lightly.”
                I nodded my head and continued picking at my food.
                “I knew I loved your mother after our first date.”
                I wasn’t expecting that answer.  Especially after he said that they didn’t want to get married until they had been dating for a while.  I looked up at him in surprise, and I couldn’t help but smile at him.  He was smiling more than I had ever seen him, and he was actually crying.  He was unabashedly and shamelessly crying big fat tears of joy.
                “Thanks Dad,” I smiled at him.  With that I tossed my crumbled pop tart, finished my orange, tossed the peels and went to the sink to wash my hands.
                The kitchen sink, like most sinks, had a window over it.  I think house designers figured dishes would be a less painful chore if the washer could look outside.  Our kitchen is also in the rear of the house so the window overlooks the yard and the woods beyond.  Glancing outside I saw the usual early morning animals, birds, and squirrels flittering about and squawking over breakfast.  I turned off the faucet
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