Duty Bound

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Book: Duty Bound Read Online Free PDF
Author: Steve Miller
Tags: liad, sharon lee, korval, steve miller, liaden, pinbeam books
recognized. Apparently of all the Passage's off-shift crew,
only Bor Gen pin'Ethil found the Spinning Wheel to his taste.
    They passed a knot of Liadens in formal
evening wear, the ladies' jewel-toned dresses echoed in the
gemstones worn by their escorts. A flicker of black moved at the
edge of Er Thom's eye and he turned his head to track it, thinking
Daav, thinking--but there was no thin, fox-faced boy in Scout
leather staring at him from the depths of the crowd. Only heedless
strangers, intent upon their own pleasure.
    Back toward the bandits and the lift bank
they went, then turned sharply to the left, went down a short
hallway and entered an office, where at last Mechanic pin'Ethil was
released by his escort.
    Standing beside his crewman, Er Thom heard
the door slide closed behind them, looked upon the stern faces of
those who awaited them, and wished that he had taken Mechanic
pin'Ethil's hint and run.
    The next moment, he was ashamed of himself.
Run, and leave a crewmate alone to Balance with strangers? Far
better to have a mate at one's side in such a wise. Though it
would, Er Thom allowed, possibly have been more comfort to Mechanic
pin'Ethil, had the mate who stood at his side been Petrella
yos'Galan herself.
    Their female escort laid the amber wand on
the desk before the sternest face of all, murmuring respectfully.
"Here's the evidence, Mr. Straudman."
    Mr. Straudman neither acknowledged her nor
glanced down at the wand. Instead, he stared at Mechanic pin'Ethil,
his eyes cold in his pale face.
    "Stealing, Liaden?" he asked, his Trade flat
and rapid. "We don't like to have people stealing from us."
    "I understand," said Mechanic pin'Ethil, in
a calm, if slightly breathless voice. "The error is mine and I will
endeavor to repair it."
    "Don't trouble yourself," the man behind the
desk said. "We know just what to do with thieves." He smiled
somewhat, and Er Thom felt his hands curl into fists. He took a
breath and moved forward one step. The man who had escorted them
here grabbed his arm.
    Er Thom inclined his head. "Very well." He
waited until he was released, then forced himself to meet the cold
eyes of the man behind the desk.
    "I am Er Thom yos'Galan Clan Korval. This
man is a member of the crew of Dutiful Passage. The ship will pay
whatever fine is considered just and then we will leave. It is not
yours to punish this man, though it is ...acknowledged... that
Balance is owed."
    Beside him and one step behind, he thought
he heard Mechanic pin'Ethil groan.
    The man behind the desk blinked, once. He
looked to the woman who had carried the wand.
    "Dutiful Passage? And Clan Korval?"
    "Yes, Mr. Straudman."
    Mr. Straudman was seen to smile again, a
habit Er Thom wished he would give over, and leaned forward, almost
    "And your name is yos'Galan, is it? Well,
well." He looked around at the others, some of whom looked less
pleased than he--or so Er Thom thought.
    "It seems to me we have a profit on the
evening," Mr. Straudman said, and pointed his cold eyes at Bor Gen
pin'Ethil. "Maybe we ought to pay you a commission,
    Mechanic pin'Ethil sighed. "Come, sir. Would
you dice with the Dragon?"
    "Not in a month of bank days," the Terran
replied immediately. But this isn't dice. This is a simple
    He looked at Er Thom. "How much do you think
Captain yos'Galan will pay to get you back?"
    Er Thom stared, thinking that it was just
like his mother's humor, and his foster mother's, too--to declare
herself well-pleased to be shut of an irritable, irritating boy,
and wish the cold-eyed man joy of him.
    And perhaps that was the key.
    He moved his shoulders, and showed empty,
apologetic hands to man behind the desk.
    "One has a brother, sir. I fear you would
find the price not to your liking."
    The cold-eyed man frowned, and leaned back
suddenly in his chair, as if Er Thom had made a particularly clever
move in counterchance. Er Thom held his breath, wondering what the
man saw.
    "So you're
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