Dusk Falling (Book 1)

Dusk Falling (Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dusk Falling (Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Keri L. Salyers
Yarcka’s tremendous strength would she allow their equipment and supplies be trusted to the horse. Getting her to relinquish her sword’s oil alone was like asking a major sacrifice.
    “Looks like a kid to me.” Serrtin commented, accepting the tin cup passed to her. She took a sip, realized it was fruit juice, and wrinkled her nose at the sweet taste. Looking up pointedly Aya, Serrtin caught the girl’s eye as she sat a cup in front of Agemeer. As she poured one for herself, Aya grinned widely. “He probably had a roll with some backwater nobleman’s daughter, got her with child then took off to avoid responsibility. An affronted Noble- no matter how low on the pecking order- would find a way to get back at the kid for losing the chance at marrying her off. He’d probably even stoop to lying to the Bounty Masters, getting a very serious warrant placed on the head of a waif whose only crime was not being able to keep his own desires, among other things, under wraps. Pathetic. I do hope this ain’t the case.”
    “Oh?” Aya said, stirring a pot of gently boiling water over the fire. Literally over, for she had placed a small levitation spell on the battered pot, keeping it at a perfect height over the flames. She added carrots, potato slices and a bit of meat that had been wrapped in wax paper. Agemeer directed her with the correct amount of spices. “Well, the background check went through. It seems real enough to me.”
    “It is a goodly amount of coin their fronting. Probably too good for the Circuit to turn away without just cause. If they can’t find anything in the background check then I suppose the Circuit doesn’t mind wasting our time as long as the pay comes in.” Serrtin said.
    “But why would they want to keep the warrant such a secret? From what you said, it sounds like they’re going to lengths to keep this from leaking out. But to whom? And why?” Agemeer said thoughtfully, taking care not to topple the crystal bottle as he lay down. “If this was such a simple matter as you suggest, Serrtin, then the Bounty Master would not have offered it to us. He knows the value of a good team. Good teams bring in good money and are not to be wasted on Chases better caught by those less successfully inclined.”
    Aya cocked an eye. “I had no idea you felt as such Agemeer.”
    “Well, yes.” The Wulf responded. “I do. I know your worth to the Circuit. And to me, of course. You make this old man feel part of something worthwhile…”
    Aya ruffled the fur atop his head like he was the family dog. “You are. Your knowledge is an intricate part of this team. You are an intricate part.”
    “Thank you, my dear.” He mumbled into his furry chest, somehow muffling his words even though his mouth never moved. A little embarrassed but also little proud, he added, “You need to stir.”
    The mage did as asked, stirring the roiling stew. The magical fire softened the vegetables much faster than regular flame ever would; the stew was close to done.
    Serrtin rolled her eyes at the blatant display of emotion yet a smile still found its way to her mouth. She pretended to adjust her lower leg guards. “Anyway, kid or not, let’s keep our senses sharp and weapons at hand. It would not do for my legend to end here!”

Chapter 3
    After their supper was finished and Aya had rinsed their bowls clean, the Asrai Kcrienalpralopar awoke from her daily slumber.
    The crystal flask, unstoppered and held between Agemeer’s paws, began to glow with an inner light. The water expelled in a smooth motion out of its confinement, never spilling a drop. It shimmered as it took the secondary form it was most accustomed to when not in its natural liquid state. It grew legs and arms and then formed a head. When its shape was finalized, it began to gain color softly at first then more rapidly.
    Kcrienalpralopar took the form of a Larren woman with short plainly-cut brown hair. Her bangs hung long over large deep blue eyes,
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