be coming from the painting within the frame.
Until middle school, Mika was in front of the frame, and she glared back at it to keep the painting from talking.
When the picture frame appeared this spring, Mikado came through the frame to stand on this side.
When Nasujima’s attention started, it just meant that the picture of Nasujima slid in front of the picture of the bullies, nothing more.
But nobody was going to save her now.
It was better not to resist in this spot. Nothing good would come from fighting back with force.
Yes, nothing good at all…
Just when Anri gave in and decided to sit through the situation, the world within the picture frame went abnormal.
The girls in the painting were moving their mouths.
Behind them, a black shadow squirmed.
As Anri looked into the shadow’s eyes, she absentmindedly held her breath.
Huh? What?
A human figure appeared beneath the streetlight. It was behind the girls, so the face and clothes were indistinct. But the general air it carried told her that this was a man. And most striking of all…
The man’s eyes were red, so red.
“Why don’t you say some…”
One of the girls stopped mid-sentence, and the black suddenly spread in Anri’s picture frame.
The liquid that she’d assumed was black took on a reddish hue in the streetlight as it sprayed around the area.
The world was dyed red.
The sound of screaming.
The sound of screaming.
Blood on the gray asphalt still just looked black.
Only for the moment that it flew in the air did she remember the drops were blood.
The sound of screaming.
The sound of screaming.
The screaming eventually reached Anri’s ears as an actual voice.
The figure disappeared at once, leaving one screaming and wailing girl and her two friends paralyzed with fright on the ground.
The scene was so unreal that it somehow brought Anri back to reality.
Why? Why is this happening?
Anri was surprised to find that she was quite calm as she sat on the asphalt, watching the scene impassively. Not because she was helpless to do anything, but because she didn’t know what to do.
What—what do I do?
Should she cry?
Should she scream?
Should she rage?
Or should she laugh that they’d gotten what they deserved?
What was she to the girl who’d just been slashed?
An enemy or a friend?
A stranger or an acquaintance?
Even here in this situation, Anri couldn’t tell exactly where she stood.
She got to her feet on the asphalt, the action devoid of meaning.
In the midst of blood and screams, the only thing Anri Sonohara could do was stand.
Chat room
« Hey, did you hear? A student at Raira Academy finally got hit by the slasher! »
What? Are you serious?
[It’s violent out there.]
« Deadly dead serious! A first-year girl! »
Sorry, I’ve got to make a call. BRB.
« Don’t worry, it wasn’t your girlfriend. »
Oh…thanks. But I’m still worried about her, so…
[Hmm. Do you know where it happened?]
« Well, it was a little ways away from Zoshigaya Station in south Ikebukuro. »
« I’m sure you can find it from all the cop cars still hanging around the area. »
[I see… Uh, sorry, I’ve got to drop out for a bit.]
« Eww! Setton, are you going to find the spot and gawk?]
[No, nothing like that.]
[See you later.]
« Argh, no fun! »
Sorry, I’ve got to head out, too.
« Oh? Were you able to reach her phone? »
She’s with the police now or something… Apparently she saw it happen…
So I’m going over there.
« Really?! »
« Then, I suppose we can’t meet up today. »
« Oops, already gone. »
« Guess I’ll pop out, too, then. »
« Oh? »
« Ugh, it’s that troll that was here yesterday! Don’t you make trouble again! Harrumph! »
« How did you even find the address for this chat room anyway?