You’re already
livin’ with her bold as brass.“
“Women like Diana need marriage to settle ‘em down,“ Colby said, feeling a rush of masculine wisdom as he said
the words.
“That right?“ Eddy’s eyes widened with interest. “She ‘ kindawild?“
Only in bed, Colby thought with private satisfaction. “No, she’s just used to being independent. You know these
modern women. They don’t think they need a man to look after them.“
“Wish I could find me one of those modern women. Some gal who didn’t want marriage but who’d be will-in’ to
keep my place clean, fix my dinner every night and hit the sack with me whenever I felt like havin’ a little fun. I’d like to
get me some babe who wouldn’t give me any lip when I wanted to take off by myself for a while.“
“I don’t think you’re going to find too many women who are that modern,“ Colby said.
“Not in Fulbrook Corners, I won’t,“ Spooner agreed morosely. “Your son comin’ up for the wedding?“
“Brandon will be here on Friday. So will Diana’s mother. She’s flying in from California.“
“You ready to take on another mother-in-law, Colby? The last one you had should have been enough to put you
off marriage for life.“
“I know. It’s taken me twenty years to recover. Speaking of Margaret Fulbrook, here she comes now.“ Colby
removed cash from his wallet, his eye on the aging blue Cadillac pulling into the parking lot across the street. “Let’s
settle up, Eddy, so I can get over there. I don’t want the old bitch cornering Diana alone in the post office.“
As she turned away from the service window, Diana glanced thoughtfully at the envelope she had just been
handed. Another letter from Aaron Crown. He would no doubt be outlining more reasons why she should return to
work for him as soon as possible. Her former boss certainly was being persistent.
Diana unconsciously touched her stomach. It was reassuring to know she had at least one secure job possibility
available to her. She didn’t want to go back to work for Carruthers and Yale, but she felt awkward about starting a new
position with another company knowing she would have to go on maternity leave within a few months.
She shook her head ruefully. Colby was right. Being pregnant changed everything. Nothing would ever again be
the same in her life. She couldn’t even make career decisions the same way she had in the past. There were new factors
to take into consideration.
“I hear Colby Savagar is getting ready for another shotgun wedding.“ Margaret Fulbrook’s loud voice filled the
post office, mesmerizing everyone inside.
Diana looked up and saw the matriarch of Fulbrook Corners standing in the doorway. Her gray hair was in its
customary regal chignon. Her fine brown eyes were as piercing as ever, and her face was set in its usual rigid lines of
disapproval and bitterness.
“Good morning, Mrs. Fulbrook. How are you today?“ Diana smiled with cool politeness.
“As well as can be expected. What about you. Miss Prentice? Is it true you’re marrying Savagar?“
“Word travels fast around here, doesn’t it?“
“Saw Evelyn Thorp at the grocery store,“ Margaret Fulbrook explained impatiently. “She told me all about it. I
couldn’t believe it at first. You look like a reasonably bright young woman. Why on earth would you want to marry
Savagar? Has he gotten you pregnant the way he did my daughter?“
For some reason the blunt question got to Diana. She had thought she was ready for anything Margaret Fulbrook
could dish out, but in spite of herself, she turned pink.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business, Mrs. Fulbrook. If you’ll excuse me, I have a few other errands to run.“
Colby appeared on the other side of the glass doors. He strode into the small lobby just as the old woman’s sharp
eyes widened and then narrowed in open speculation. She studied Diana’s blushing face, “So that’s it, is it?“