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Book: DREAM LOVER Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kimberley Reeves
voice of reason told him that what he was doing was wrong, that he was taking advantage of a woman who was groggy with sleep and probably didn’t realize who it was that she was kissing.  But the hunger inside of him was too great, the urgency of her kisses too demanding to ignore, and even if he’d wanted to Nic didn’t think he could have given up possession of her lips.
    Somewhere between that first passionate kiss and the gentler ones that gradually followed, two disturbing thoughts began to push through his hazy mind.  When Rachel asked where he’d been and said she was afraid she wouldn’t find him...she’d spoken in French.  That in itself was odd, but the real kicker was that he’d understood her, and Nic didn’t speak a word of French, not a single word.

Chapter 3
    Nic woke with a start, too disoriented at first to realize he’d fallen asleep in the observation room.  Hunched over the desk with his head on his arms wasn’t the most comfortable position, his aching back was proof of that, but it wasn’t anything a couple of aspirin wouldn’t cure.  Letting out a groan, Nic sat up and rubbed the back of his neck to work out the kinks as the fogginess of sleep slowly lifted.  That’s when he remembered Rachel and the passionate kiss they’d shared.
    Peering through the two way mirror, he was relieved to see she was still sleeping soundly.  He should have been just as relieved to see the electrodes were all neatly in place too; instead it made him decidedly uneasy because he had no memory of reattaching them.  For all that, he couldn’t seem to recall anything that happened after Rachel had drawn his mouth down onto hers.  He could only imagine what she was going to say about the appalling way he’d behaved and he’d be damn lucky if she didn’t file a complaint and get his ass fired.
    Nic rose wearily to his feet.  He might as well get it over with and face the firing squad now rather than later.  He supposed he could claim that he was so surprised when Rachel kissed him that he’d momentarily taken leave of his senses, but they’d know he was lying through his teeth when they got a look at the video.  It would be pretty apparent the
loss of his mind had lasted a hell of a lot longer than it should have, even if she
taken him by surprise.  He only hoped he got to take a look at the video first so he could fill in the blank spaces about what happened after they’d kissed.
    Rachel was just waking up when he entered the room.  She turned her head and watched him as he crossed the room, a sleepy smile on her face.  Was it possible she didn’t remember kissing him at all or was the smile because she
remember it?  Morality wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, Nic thought as he wrestled with his conscious, because he knew he’d still have to tell her if she didn’t remember what happened.
    “How are you feeling, Miss Delacourte?”
    “Tired, but not nearly as tired as you are I’m sure.”
    Nic started removing the electrodes, stalling for a few minutes before asking Rachel if she remembered anything that happened last night.  She recounted the nightmare, which was pretty much the same as what she’d told Luis with the exception of a few minor details.  By the time she got to the part about dying he’d finished removing the last of the electrodes.
    Rachel threw back the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed before giving him an embarrassed smile.  “I…uh…dreamed about
again too.  I guess part of the reason it’s so unnerving is that it seems so
, as if I’ll wake up and find him lying in bed next to me.  Only last night…well, it seemed different somehow.”
    Nic groaned inwardly.  “Different in what way?”
    “I’m not sure I can explain it.  When the dreams first started he…welcomed me, but over the past few months I’ve had this feeling that he was a little sad, like he
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