snapped back, banking around another building and dropping into an alley close to her destination. It’s fairly obvious you were, you’re too dumb to be anything else. Don’t try to contact me again.
Cutting the link, she slammed her mental shields in place and reformed on two legs. Hope hummed in her heart as she walked down the dark alley. If she was lucky she’d be able to find a way to break Sellers’ control over her.
Chapter Three
“I beg your pardon?”
Given that she’d been born eons ago, and even though she’d kept up to date with linguistic differences by hitch-hiking in the back of human minds over the years, she’d found that when startled or annoyed, she dropped back into the more formal speech pattern of her youth.
Right now, startled was somewhat of an understatement. Surprise filtered through every cell of her body as she looked at the Warden opposite her sharply.
They sat in what amounted to the tiniest sitting room Chase had ever seen. Shelves and cupboards lined the walls, with ornaments and lace doilies on every available surface. A closer look though, revealed that this wasn’t some little old lady’s sitting room. Arcane artifacts played companion to the mundane. A crystal skull sat next to a figurine of a shepherdess and lamb while a grimoire sat on top of a battered old cookbook. For some reason the modern book looked older than the leather-bound one.
Two chairs were crammed kitty-corner to each other facing a roaring fire. Which, as far as Chase could recall from when she’d approached the place, had no chimney. Curiosity rolling through her, she couldn’t resist the temptation and unfurled her own power enough to send a tendril of query. Just low-level stuff that didn’t trigger the collar, and one the Warden no doubt expected. Like most fire-breathers, all dragons had an affinity with the hot stuff.
Her query touched the flames and she started in surprise.
Illusion. A damn good one as well. It would have to be to fool her. Interesting.
She didn’t allow her gaze to flicker, just looked at the Warden steadily. Like the room, appearances were deceptive. When she’d first walked in, she’d almost turned around and walked back out again, convinced that one of the most magically capable creatures in the world should not look like someone’s grandmother.
“Why should that come as a surprise, Nightborne?” The Warden asked, holding up the teapot from the table between the chairs in silent query. Despite her aged appearance, sharp intelligence shone in her dark eyes. And something darker, more powerful than should reside in a human frame, lurked in the chocolate brown.
Chase shook her head in reply. Since the woman had known what she was the instant she’d walked through the door, Chase didn’t entirely trust her. It was too easy to slip something into an infusion. Which was how half of her kind had ended up enslaved in the first place. Might be interesting if the warden did try something like that. Chase could sit back and watch her and Sellers duke it out with spells to see who controlled her.
But control was still control, and that was the point of this little visit. To find a way to be free. Free of Sellers, free of control.
“Yeah...but sex ?”
She tried hard to hide the distaste in her voice. Not that she didn’t like sex, she did. A lot. Not that she’d had any for...she quickly stopped that calculation, not wanting to be reminded of how many years had passed. She was a warrior though, and the mission came first. Then she could get laid.
She’d been hoping the Warden would know of some arcane and obscure spell she could perform that would free her of the Dragos’ hold. Something dark and dangerous, powerful but that could only be performed at great personal risk. Something heroic. Hell, she’d even take on a quest through the Night Plains in Faery, if they still existed. They had to. She couldn’t imagine a world where the Wild Host and their home no