silver snake appeared to be wrapped around the end.
"There is a chest somewhere close by, you can bet on that, lad." Donderan said. "We will look for it in the morning, when there is better light."
The next morning, they buried the two men before breakfast, and after they had eaten, walked along the stream. No more than a hundred yards away, they found the camp where the two dead men had stayed. It was dirty and it smelled, but treasures were here that did not belong in such a place. Donderan found the chest the key belonged to, but would not open it. He carried it with him as they walked back to their own camp, and along the way he said to Brylen.
"There is evil in this chest, and I do not have the power to contain it. This chest must not be opened, that is for someone else to do, not us."
"You know more about these things than I do, so I will take your word on it." Brylen replied.
"After we break camp, we will ride over, and pick up the items in the outlaws camp." Donderan said, as he began to pack.
Donderan's mood turned somber, and Brylen thought it best not to ask any more questions right now, so he helped pack the camp, and saddled the horse and pony. When he was finished, and the packhorse was loaded, they rode to the outlaw's camp downstream. When everything in the outlaw camp was loaded, Donderan led the way back to the cart path they had come from. They turned and followed the cart path away from the stream, and continued their journey to Glansford.
Two hours had passed, when the cart path came to an end at a larger road, with signs of recent use. They turned onto the road, and once again, were traveling more south than west, when Donderan cocked his head and stopped his pony.
"I have not heard that sound in a very long time, my lucky young friend." Donderan said, after a few seconds. Then Brylen heard it too. The sound of great wings grew louder, as the two companions looked in the direction from which it came.
"What is that?" Ask Brylen.
"That is the sound of a dragon, flying low and fast, if I am not mistaken." Donderan replied, becoming excited, and getting worse when the dragon came into view.
"That is a very big dragon it is, and I have never known there to be one of that color." The dwarf said, almost falling off his pony as the dragon flew directly overhead.
"A dragon! A dragon! A dragon!" Donderan kept repeating It, over, and over, again.
"It was very big master dwarf, and much bigger than I thought it would be by your description." Brylen said, as he watched the beast until it had disappeared from sight. "At least he did not eat us." He finished, when the dragon could no longer be seen.
That stopped Donderan's ranting. He looked at Brylen, and opened his mouth to speak, when Brylen said,
"I know, I know, dragons don't eat people, dwarves do."
Donderan looked at Brylen with a confused look for a moment, and for the first time since coming out of the mountains, roared with laughter.
Still laughing, Donderan turned his pony, and followed the road in the same direction as the dragon. Brylen followed his friend, looking down the road they had chosen to take.
"The dragon looks to be headed to the same place that we are, lad." Donderan said. "Glansford."
Brylen rode in silence as the picture of the beast played over again in his mind. This was not what he expected to happen to him when he fled from his home, and the soldiers of the mage king, so long ago. This was something you only read in a book, and he hoped he would be one of the lucky ones, who lived at the end.
"What have you gotten yourself into this time, Bry." He said to himself, out loud.
Chapter Three
Kyler was not looking forward to the trip north with the others. He did not like the fair in Argnon, and would prefer not to attend. The fair was held every three years, but it was not really a fair at all as