Dragon Knight's Sword

Dragon Knight's Sword Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dragon Knight's Sword Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mary Morgan
Tags: Romance
through the portcullis of Castle Creag. He dismounted and heaved a heavy sigh, for strolling toward him was Cormac.
    “You’ve the look of the devil that’s been to Hell and back again. I thought perhaps we would train in the lists this morn, my friend.” Cormac motioned to the young lad watching Duncan. “Take Brandubh to the stables and have Tiernan tend to him.” The young lad held back, yet Duncan nodded to him, handing over the reins.
    “Inform Tiernan I will be there shortly,” said Duncan giving a gentle pat to Brandubh.
    “Aye, my lord, I will.” As the lad took the reins, he walked proudly through the bailey as if he had just been presented with a gift.
    “I am in no mood to listen to your lectures, Cormac.” Duncan strode passed him and entered the castle walking into the great hall. He went straightway to the pitcher of ale and poured himself a mighty portion, draining the ale in one swallow.
    “Och, ye wound me, Duncan.” Cormac pounded his fist against his chest. “No lectures from me, just sage wisdom.” He proceeded to pour himself some ale, and went to stand by the fire in the hearth, rolling the goblet between his hands.
    Duncan stood across from him, raising an eyebrow in his direction, “ If I wanted sage wisdom, I would seek out the druid.”
    Cormac tossed back the ale and turned toward the table filling his goblet again. “I think it is time ye sought out the druid, Duncan. For ye dinnae ken what has become of yourself. It has been almost one year’s passing since Meggie’s death.”
    Duncan threw his goblet into the hearth and lunged at Cormac, his hands against his throat, shoving him back onto the wall. “Do not ever speak her name in my presence again!” Duncan’s eyes burned not with fury, but with a pain of one tormented.
    “It is time, Duncan,” choked out Cormac.
    Duncan slowly released his hold on Cormac and turned toward the hearth placing his massive arms against the stone. The fire was blazing, but Duncan could not feel its heat. An aching sadness surrounded his heart, freezing it from all warmth.
    “Aye, Cormac, ye do not have to tell me again. I will seek out the druid. What is done cannot be undone. But I swear to ye, I will fight to retrieve the relics and restore our family’s name.” Duncan fisted his hands against the stone and pounded against them. “It is madness it went this far, Cormac! Bloody MacFhearguis and the whole lot of them!” he spat out.
    He moved away from Cormac and went to pour himself another drink, heaving himself down into one of the chairs.
    Cormac sighed. Pouring himself another cupful of ale, he sat across from Duncan. “I ken this feud is ancient. Ye fight for the same cause—one on the side of righteousness, the other— the MacFhearguis , to use the relics and their power for evil. Same cause, different purposes.”
    “Do ye ken how long we have been protecting them?” Duncan said quietly. Until this moment, he had not spoken of that night or of the events which led to the violent tragedy.
    “Aye, my friend...aye.”
    Duncan looked up at his friend, nodding his head slowly. Taking another gulp of ale, he looked within the cup, as if the solution to all his problems would be illuminated from within.
    Cormac waited in silence for Duncan to continue.
    “Where do ye suppose the Old One lives these days?” Duncan asked.
    “Ye ken he cannae be far from the loch. Several of my men have recently seen him at the north end. I will send for the healer. She may know.”
    He got up and walked to the entrance of the hall, bellowing, “Someone fetch Finn and send him to me!” Cormac stood hands fisted at his hips and waited. “Blasted young’un, never around when I need him, but bloody sulking about when not needed.” Cormac shook his head, but his face betrayed a smile.
    “Have ye checked the lists lately?” Duncan smirked, since he had observed the lad many a morn when he was there.
    “Sweet Brigid! What do ye mean at the
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