It’s freezing, but it’s awesome.” He tried to return his camera to his back pocket, but it was too stuffed in there with the underwear. He put it in his front pocket instead. “How come?”
Luis shrugged. “Nothing. It’s just my birthday party.I was going to invite you, if you were around. It’s all Marvel.”
“Yeah. Like the comic books? Spider-Man, X-Men, the Hulk …”
“Oh.” That sounded okay, Kansas thought, but not as fun as camping. “Well, too bad I have to miss it.”
Just as they were about to reach Miss Sparks’s door, Kansas was bumped from behind, hard. He turned around.
It was Andre Jackson, holding a box of lightbulbs. “Look where you’re going, doofus,” he told Kansas. But he was grinning when he said it, and Kansas was pretty sure he’d bumped into him on purpose. Kansas shook his head and opened the door to room 43H.
What Kansas
on doing, when he stepped into the room, was to pull the underwear out of his pocket, the fake
Kansas Bloom
s, and shove them right in Francine’s face, and tell her, “You can’t get me that easy, Francine!” And then he’d make her add his third point to the board herself.
But he didn’t do that, for two reasons.
The first reason was that Francine Halata was already standing at the chalkboard, changing his two to a three.
And the second reason was that the underwear—the ones with
Kansas Bloom
written across the waistband—were no longer in Kansas’s pocket.
Somewhere, between the flagpole and his classroom, Kansas had lost them.
Kansas wriggled in the hard wooden library chair. It wasn’t a comfortable chair to begin with, and the fact that there was nothing but a thin pair of khakis between it and his buttocks wasn’t helping matters. Kansas was pretty sure that by the end of the day, his butt was going to be chafing big time. But sometimes that was the price you had to pay to be the King of Dares.
Kansas held his breath as he logged into his e-mail account. And then, he let it out. Finally. An e-mail from Will.
FROM: Tiger44
TO: ksrocks
hey dude! thx 4 the pix. ricky sayz he doesn’t think that lizard 1 is real tho. NEway glad u like ur new school so much. ricky found a 3rd kid forcamping, mark h. remember him? too bad you
had to move.
miss you!
later, w.
Kansas felt his stomach sink to his feet. Mark H.?
Mark H.
was going camping? Ricky and Will hadn’t even
Kansas if he wanted to go. Like he suddenly wouldn’t like camping anymore, just because he’d moved away.
Kansas felt like a moron. He should’ve told Ricky he still wanted to go this year. He should’ve made sure they knew.
But they hadn’t even
Kansas logged into his IM account. If Ricky or Will was on right now, he could talk some sense into them. It would be faster than e-mail. He typed in his username, kansas_the_champ, and his password, and opened up his “friends” box. But neither Ricky nor Will was online. They were probably at lunch, hanging out with their new best friend, Mark H.
“Hey, Kansas!”
Kansas jumped with a start. It was Brendan, leaningagainst the back of his chair, peering over his shoulder at the computer. Next to him was Andre, peering over Kansas’s shoulder too.
“Oh,” Kansas said. “Hey.” He logged out of his e-mail and IM with two quick clicks of the mouse, then turned around in his chair. “What’s up?”
“It took us forever to find you,” Brendan said. “What are you doing in the library during
“Yeah,” Andre agreed. “Why are you in the library?”
Kansas shrugged. “Checking e-mail.”
“Well, we were looking for you because we thought of a dare for Francine,” Brendan said. “Everyone’s voted on it but you, and they all think it’s awesome.”
“Yeah,” Andre said. “Awesome.”
“What is it?”
“She has to go inside the boys’ bathroom,” Brendan said, “and write
Francine was here
on the wall.”
“Won’t she get in