Don't Turn Around

Don't Turn Around Read Online Free PDF

Book: Don't Turn Around Read Online Free PDF
Author: Caroline Mitchell
used hypodermic needles littering the floor. Chinks of light spiked through tears in the yellowed curtains, and Jennifer grimaced at the sticky fly tape hanging from a single bulb, littered with its victims. The room reeked of cigarette smoke and judging by the overspill of the dirty ashtray on the sofa, Shelly was a chain smoker.
    ‘We just want to talk to you about Johnny,’ Will said, eyeing the open bedroom door that revealed a hefty looking black man lying face down on a dingy single bed.
    Shelly spoke through the open door, not bothering to lower her voice. ‘It’s the filth.’ The man moaned into his pillow in response.
    ‘Have you seen Johnny lately?’ Jennifer said.
    ‘I ain't seen him.’ The thin black elastic of a G-string was slung over Shelly’s hipbone and she hooked her thumbs through her belt buckle to hitch up her jeans.
    ‘Are you aware he’s been involved with the police recently?’ Jennifer said, unable to give too much away.
    Shelly sucked a cigarette and her words peppered with smoke as they left her mouth. ‘Everyone knows about that. Mike’s cronies showed up here looking for the money he owes.’
    Jennifer found it difficult to muster sympathy. ‘How’s Johnny seemed to you? Has he been himself?’
    Shelly snorted a laugh. ‘Ain’t that something? The filth wants to know how he’s feeling. He’s acting all weird, that’s what. Even tried to take a bite out of me.’ Shelly offered up her bony arm for inspection. A faint round bruise dappled her paper-thin skin.
    Another moan emanated from the bedroom. ‘What’s he on?’ Will asked, trying to ignore the bite mark. He didn’t really care what cocktail of drugs the man had shot into his veins, and the last thing he wanted was an assault job to deal with. A mobile phone chimed from the bedroom.
    Shelly retrieved the phone from the dresser and jabbed her guest in the side. ‘Hop it. I’m busy.’
    Jennifer guessed what busy meant, as she peeped in through the open bedroom door to see various sex toys strewn around the grimy room.
    Shelly spoke into the phone in her most alluring voice. ‘Hello Wilfred. Just give me five minutes, dear.’
    Will whispered to Jennifer, ‘As much as I’d love to stay and watch, we really should be going.’
    Jennifer nodded vehemently.
    Shelly nodded towards the door. ‘Now if you don’t mind, I’d like you to sling your hook.’
    ‘Just a minute,’ Jennifer said. ‘Do you want to make a complaint about that bite?’
    ‘Don’t you think I’ve seen enough of your lot today? Nothing happened, now leave me alone,’ she said, bustling them towards the door.
    Jennifer sighed in exasperation as she left the flat. ‘Just one more question. Did Johnny ever recite poetry?’
    Shelly responded in a shrill cackle, ‘Poetry? Don’t be fucking stupid.’ Her laughter rang through the door as she shut it behind them.
    Will raised his eyebrows, ’Now can we go? I’m famished.'
    ‘You should have asked Shelly, I’m sure she could have made you something nice,’ Jennifer giggled mischievously.
    Clack … clack … clack; the noise of a walking stick echoed in the stairwell. An old man, steadily making his way up towards Shelly’s flat, passed Jennifer on the landing. A slight smile crossed his lips in a look of anticipation.
    ‘Must be Wilfred,’ Jennifer whispered, ‘I hope she gets rid of her guest first, can you imagine that for a threesome?’
    ‘Yuk. I hope I’m never that desperate.’
    ‘You can’t be too fussy now you’re single, Will’.
    ‘ I can’t be fussy?’ Will huffed, failing to see the funny side. ‘When’s the last time you had a shag?’
    Jennifer snorted a laugh as she made her way downstairs. ‘Oh, touchy. At least I make an effort with my appearance. You’re the one that’s gone all Robinson Crusoe, with your shaggy beard and baggy suit.’
    Will stomped down to the car.
    ‘Are you annoyed?’ Jennifer giggled, opening the car door. ‘I was only joking,
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