Don't Kill Dinner (The Rules Trilogy)

Don't Kill Dinner (The Rules Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Don't Kill Dinner (The Rules Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Martinez
mother worked as a seamstress at a very popular dress shop in the quarter. His father was supposed to pick up his mother on the way home but had gotten held late with a large shipment and she had tried to walk home alone. Arthur realized their tardiness and began the walk toward the dress shop. He was two blocks away when he heard her scream. He went running down the alley to see a creature ripping his mother’s throat open. She prayed to God to go quickly and not turn into the monster that was attacking her. When the creature threw her to the ground, drained of blood and lif eless Arthur lost control.
    At twenty-three years old he knew how to handle himself in a brawl but he did not know what he was getting himself into. He charged the vampire and tackled it to the ground. He began to punch and kick the vampire trying to avenge his mother’s death. When the vampire has finally had enough playtime he went for Arthur. The vampire nearly drained him completely when Karlis, intervened. He had seen the entire exchange. As a calauza he was intelligent but not physically adept. He saw the fight and determination Arthur possessed and saved his life. Arthur was turned next to the cold body of his mother in a dark alley in the fledgling New Orleans.
    When Arthur awoke as a vampire Karlis explained to him the plight vampires were in. They had lived peacefully in this new land until recently, but now there was a faction of vampires who wanted to reveal themselves to the humans. They wanted to kill and maim at will and not follow the code of the vampires. Karlis told him that Erasad, was the second in command of the faction who wished to rule the town in fear. Erasad was also the vampire that killed his mother. Arthur vowed then and there to bring order back to the ranks and use his new gifts for good. When Ihrin tested him, she saw the same fight and determination Karlis had seen and had granted him the rank of Viclean Razboinic. As a VR, Arthur helped lead the civil war between the adevarat (true) and hulitor (blasphemous). In the end, the adevarat won the war and that is when the Absolute Rules were enacted. When Ihrin saw Arthur’s intelligence and loyalty she urged him to sire young ones. He politely declined saying that while he was grateful to be alive and able to fight for his coven and the humans of his city, becoming a vampire was not his choice. If he ever turned someone it would be because they wanted it and he wanted to be the best Sire he could be.
    The silence in the air was deafening. In such a short amount of time I had learned so much about my Sire and soul mate. After letting it sink in for a few minutes, my interest was piqued. “You turned me.” I stated, still working out the though process in my head. “Where are your other mezin?”
    “You are my one and only Kenna. That is w hy Ihrin addressed me. After one hundred twenty years I have finally taken a mezin and she expects you to be as good if not better than I was. The realization of who I was finally hit me. I was pretty much the next generation’s savior. Not that there were any battles I had to worry about, unless Arthur tried to tickle me again, and that would be a battle he would lose.
    “So I will be tested for VR, and I am expected to pass?” I asked. “You are not expected to pass, my sweet one, you are expected to outwit the tester.” The true gravity of the situation finally set in. This was my opportunity to finally show my guardian angel that I could succeed. I placed my empty cup on the table and snuggled up to my sire and soul mate. I continued flipping through the history of our vampire family and when I came to the first empty spot I placed his finger on the line and whispered, “In two weeks I will join you in ranks as well as in life.”

Chapte r 8
    In all of my life I have never trained so hard for anything. I would wake Arthur up early in the morning for drills and training and we would talk about everything that might happen.
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