foreign clients who bring money into this country. It’s a service industry, just like hotels and theme parks. There’s nothing wrong with that. It benefits us all in the end.’
    ‘Not if it doesn’t actually make any money.’
    ‘It will, sir,’ interjected Kinscherf. ‘We just need a little more time.’
    ‘And a lot more public money,’ added the councillor.
    ‘Frankly, there is no question of further unconditional funding,’ said Bannon. ‘Our people have carried out an in-depth analysis of the figures from each department and come up with projected figures for the next three years. Based on these we will be prepared to offer funding at a suitable rate of return but with conditions attached.’
    Giordano and Kinscherf exchanged glances. Neither man was smiling any more.
    Bannon continued, ‘Our money people have highlighted a certain problem area which we’d like to see dealt with. In fact, we would insist on it.’
    ‘I’m sure we would be willing to consider your findings,’ said Giordano.
    ‘We are disturbed at the very low profit margin being shown by the transplant unit,’ said Bannon.
    James Ross looked surprised. He shifted uneasily in his seat. ‘Are you suggesting my department doesn’t pull its weight?’ he asked. His surprise was obviously shared by many at the table.
    ‘Far from it,’ replied Bannon, ‘Your unit is clearly a success story. Unfortunately, at the moment, it’s the only one.’
    ‘So why pick on us?’
    ‘Frankly, and not to put too fine a point on it, it’s more of a medical success than it is a financial one. Your overheads seem uncommonly high.’
    ‘We have to do our best for our patients,’ said Ross, taken aback. ‘Transplant surgery is an extremely expensive business in terms of both equipment and staff but our results are second to none.’
    ‘And this is reflected in the fees charged by the hospital,’ countered Bannon. ‘No one is disputing your expertise, Doctor. The excellence of your department is why you’ve been so successful in attracting custom. As I understand it, the survival rate shown by your patients is extremely good.’
    ‘Quite outstanding,’ interjected Giordano.
    ‘So what is it you want from me?’ asked Ross. ‘I can hardly cut staff.’
    ‘It’s not a case of cutting staff, Doctor. The money is coming in to your unit but investors don’t seem to be seeing the returns they should from it. We have pinpointed the problem as being your very high research-budget costs.’
    Ross seemed to search for words before replying calmly, ‘My contract states that research funds at an agreed proportion of income will be made available to me. That’s why I agreed to come here in the first place.’
    ‘We understand that,’ said Bannon. ‘But if more public money is to be found to support the continuation of Médic Ecosse, this arrangement simply cannot continue.’
    ‘But my research programme is absolutely vital to me if we are to go on increasing our knowledge and improving patient care,’ Ross appealed.
    ‘I understand how you feel, Doctor, and it does you credit but this is not a research institute, it’s a commercial enterprise. It’s a private hospital and it’s a business. It treats sick people. It treats them and then charges them accordingly. It’s that simple. The universities and research councils provide funding for research. Médic International and its co-investor, Her Majesty’s Government, do not.’
    ‘But my contract—’
    ‘I think if you re-examine the exact wording of your contract, Doctor, you’ll see it states that the percentage of funding you refer to is only valid if other departments in the hospital are doing equally well.’
    ‘I don’t think I understand,’ said Ross, leaning forward slightly in apprehension. He looked to Giordano and Kinscherf for support.
    ‘Your agreement for research funding is that fifty per cent of net profits from your unit be returned to you to carry out your research
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