Dominque (Knights to Remember)

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Book: Dominque (Knights to Remember) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicole Colville
they’d confirmed the date was over and they were heading home, but when he looked at the display, he saw Harry’s name flashing up. “Hey, what’s up?”
    “I can't do this date,” Harry hissed, sounding out of breath and more panicked than Dominque had ever heard him before. His cool reserve slipped and Dominque heard the real him for possibly the first time. “I have to leave and the guy will be here in half an hour.”
    “You can't leave like that.” Dominque paused, knowing it had to be something bad if Harry was about to walk out. “You haven't seen him yet, so it’s nothing to do with him. What happened?”
    “You need to get here, set off now. Grab Thom and get here in a tux as fast as you can.”
    “I can't… no way.” The guy didn’t want Dominque from reading his profile, so he wasn’t going to turn up and suffer being rejected in person. “I told you the guy didn’t want me.”
    “There’s no one else, no one who fits what he asked for. You’re my only option.” He sounded even more out of breath than before, like he was jogging or something.
    “What are you doing?”
    “Running away. What the bloody hell does it sound like I'm doing? Just set off. Now! Thom knows where to take you, and don’t forget the tux. It’s black tie.”
    The call ended and Dominque stood there looking at his phone for a second before he sprang into action. He couldn't let Harry get into trouble for backing out of a date. Harriot would go mad and probably suspend him for two weeks because of it. He rummaged through the collection of clothes he’d brought as he called up Thom. “I need the car outside now. Harry’s pulled out of his date. I have to get there in half an hour.”
    “Then you'd better leave now or we won’t make it.”
    “I have to change.”
    “Time for a drive through switch then,” Thom chuckled out.
    Dominque grunted as he ended the call. He’d done drive through dates before. Switching outfits and roles in between driving from one to the next and he hated them. He felt unprepared and messy, but he had no other option. He grabbed his clothes and shoes then ran from the room, making it outside and in the car faster than he thought possible.
    “Twenty minutes.” Thom opened the door for him. “Better rush, Cinderella, or you’ll be late for the ball.” With a cheeky wink, he closed the door.
    Dominque was half undressed when Harry called up again. “I can’t talk, getting changed,” he huffed out as he pulled his legs into his dress trousers.
    “My grandmother’s there. She saw me.” Harry sounded calmer and was breathing slower, but he was still agitated. “If I hadn't spotted her first, she would have seen me on a date. She doesn’t even know I'm gay. How would that have looked? I hate taking jobs around here. It’s too close to home.”
    “I’ll get there, I promise.” Poor Harry. Dominque didn’t consider that possibility. “It will be okay. Let me put you on speaker.” Dominque messed around with the buttons, and then continued getting dressed. “Tell me about him.”
    “He’s called Jacob Buchanan. This party you’re going to is a big charity event which he’s involved with through the Royal London Hospital—that’s where he works. He’s a specialist in reconstructive surgery, mainly spinal work. This charity helps children who suffer from crippling spinal deformities and it’s a big deal. I should have known someone would be here I knew. I was stupid accepting the date.”
    “Okay, okay.” Dominque fastened his shirt up. “Jacob Buchanan, big surgeon, charity thingy for kids. What’s he look like?”
    “Tallish, around six feet two, medium built, blond hair—collar length, good looking, sort of stern. Obviously he’ll be wearing what everyone else will be, a tux. I’ll find his picture and send it to you.”
    “Okay, what did he want from you?”
    “Companion for the night. To make a good impression on his colleagues and bosses. He said he
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