Doctor Who: Timelash

Doctor Who: Timelash Read Online Free PDF

Book: Doctor Who: Timelash Read Online Free PDF
Author: Glen McCoy
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
any further. The Maylin pulled away sharply, and stretched out to effect the power switches as Mykros watched in abortive silence. ‘I’ll do all I can to support you, but do not ask me to risk my position.
    Maybe I will have more opportunity as Maylin when the time comes.’
    Renis completed the final re-channelling of energy, depleting the hospital of its vital power. With great sadness he ushered Mykros out, only to find an android waiting.
    ‘It’s all right, Mykros was simply assisting me,’ piped up the Maylin, as he handed over one of the amulets to the mechanised Karfelon. The black-faced creature with short golden hair peered at them with his bright staring eyes.
    ‘Mykros is required in the Inner Sanctum chamber immediately,’ chirped the android.
    ‘But -’
    ‘You, Maylin,’ it interrupted, ’will attend the Borad at once.’
    The Karfelons exchanged glances. Few were ever given an audience with the Borad. Most never returned.
    The Doctor dug deep into the leather box and pulled out two sets of straps, banding one pair to Peri. She accepted them with an old-fashioned look.
    ‘Now fasten these around you, and hook yourself up to the console.’
    Peri did as she was bid as the Doctor did likewise. The TARDIS engines laboured under the growing strain of negotiating the time corridor in space as the vibrations upon the craft grew worse.
    Holding on tightly, the time-travellers underwent the adverse effects of a Kontron Tunnel. Without the belts, both the Doctor and Peri would have without doubt been thrown around the console room and battered severely.
    At the same time as they gripped the straps with both hands, the gravitational forces within the TARDIS were removed. The Doctor was the first to fly into mid-air, his feet being pulled to the walls. Peri screamed, never having experienced a ride like this before. She too was tossed into flight, feeling the unpleasant effects of weightlessness.
    ‘Hang on Peri!’ shouted the Doctor. Peri’s cheeks, now bright red, glowed like hot plates. She gritted her teeth and hung on tightly. The thirty second experience seemed to take forever to come to a quiet conclusion as both travellers landed, making solid contact with the TARDIS floor once more.
    They had transcended the vortex, but this was only the beginning.
    Maylin Renis re-arranged his toga before entering the vault of the Borad. As he stepped into the darkened chamber with some trepidation, he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise to the occasion. As he cautiously entered, the mechanism of the Borad’s chair spun its occupant around the chamber’s outskirts. Renis peered through the dim shadows, but saw very little.
    ‘Do you take me for a fool?’ growled the voice of the Borad provocatively.
    Renis trembled, but answered a confident reply. ‘No Borad, you know I would never do that.’
    ‘Then why do you plot against me?’
    Renis fumbled for a guarded reponse, only to hear his own voice echo about the vault in the form of a recording.
    It had been stored earlier during the power switching with Mykros. ‘But that cannot be,’ he reasoned.
    ‘Because there is no monitoring in the power vault?’
    prompted the Borad. ‘ Imbecile! I had one fitted into the dark-centred amulet. When fed into the power panels it is shielded from delta configuration rays.’ The laugh of the mature Karfelon suddenly altered drastically to a strong hollow chuckle. Gradually, the Borad’s chair moved out into the main light source, as Renis stood and watched the emerging shape - a shape he had never seen before.
    Sweating with cold terror, and choking with fright, the Maylin attempted to come to terms with the sight before him. Backing away, he attempted a futile escape, merely falling into the hands of a fiercesome android which propelled the quaking Maylin back into the centre of the vault on his bended knees.
    Fingering the arm control panel on his chair, the Borad pushed a lever forward to emit a
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