Do Dead People Walk Their Dogs?

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Book: Do Dead People Walk Their Dogs? Read Online Free PDF
Author: Concetta Bertoldi
one of his coworkers with a piece of heavy machinery. In another case that I remember too vividly, a mother was completely devastated because she had accidentally run over her two-year-old toddler, who got behind her car as she was backing out. I felt so helpless in that reading. I couldn’t get out of my own way because I was so strongly relating to her pain. I couldn’t tell her strongly enough that God knew her pain and confusion, that this was for a purpose. To her, it was an accident, yet the guilt she was suffering was unbearable. In my heart, I know her child’s death in this way was not coincidental, but what the purpose was, what the lesson was, I cannot imagine.

In the case of an airplane crash or serious train accident where many people die all together, is that also “preplanned” on the Other Side?
    Yes, and again, there is always a reason. Nothing is for nothing. In a case like this where one accident takes many at the same time, there will be particular karmic reasons for each individual, and at the same time, these people will have shared karma as well. They will know each other on the Other Side and through many other lifetimes. An event like this has layers of meaning. It’s not just about the pilot or conductor or the individuals on the plane or train. It’s also about others in their lives who will be affected by each person’s crossing in one way or another. You can call it a ripple effect or a domino effect. It could be an event like 9/11 or a bus being blown up by a terrorist. It doesn’t stop with those individuals, that event, that day—the effects go on for entire lifetimes, plural.
    I should say that there are also karmic reasons for each person who “missed their plane” or “usually rode that train” but didn’t that day. Nothing is a coincidence. A coincidence is nothing more than God remaining anonymous.

What is true spirituality?
    True spirituality is living in partnership with God and relying on that spirit to come through, guiding our thoughts, our words, our actions. More than any other power of any kind on Earth, God is the greatest. His love is greater than logic, greater than money, greater than muscle.
    Personally, I have not achieved true spirituality. I don’t think I’d still be here if I had. Everyone here, with very few exceptions, is still working toward it. The frustration is when I know right from wrong and still can’t stop myself from doing wrong. That’s the place I’m in, in this particular lifetime. I know in my heart the difference, yet I’m human, not divine, and I still make mistakes. They say ignorance is bliss, but I’m not ignorant. I don’t have bliss.

Do dead people walk their dogs?
    The souls on the Other Side are with their dogs—or cats, or ferrets, or whatever creature they cared for and loved here. However, their beloved animals never have to be on a leash. The Other Side is a place of perfection. It’s not survival of the fittest over there. We walk among the “savage beast,” and they walk with us. It’s absolutely natural for us to grieve the loss of a beloved pet when he or she crosses over. Especially people who don’t have children or live far from family or friends—our pets really are family to us—and maybe I shouldn’t say this, but in some ways possibly even dearer, since who can resist being loved without any strings attached? But it’s true, those creatures we loved while they were here will be reunited with us in Heaven.

Will all our pets be with us in Heaven, or just our favorite ones?
    Our pets are gifts from God and God’s gifts don’t just disappear into thin air. All go back and all will be there.

If there was one pet we loved best of all, will our other pets be okay with that or will it hurt their feelings?
    They’ll be thrilled! You have to remember that the Other Side is total perfection. It’s only here that we harbor petty jealousies. Nothing of the kind exists over there. ALL
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