Disney Declassified: Tales of Real Life Disney Scandals, Sex, Accidents and Deaths

Disney Declassified: Tales of Real Life Disney Scandals, Sex, Accidents and Deaths Read Online Free PDF

Book: Disney Declassified: Tales of Real Life Disney Scandals, Sex, Accidents and Deaths Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aaron Goldberg
Tags: Sex, Taled of Real Life Disney Scandals, Accidents and Deaths
families that make the fake ticket purchase but more importantly for Disney, they are losing money. This is the second time Disney proposed this law. But not the first time they had the state come in and write some laws to cover their ticket sales. In June of 1988, they had Florida write a law banning the sale of unused multi-day tickets. If you buy a five-day ticket and only go two days, they don’t want you to be able to sell the remaining days. At the time, Disney claimed it was losing $3 million in ticket revenue, and the state was being cheated out of $200,000 annually in sales taxes.
    The first time this most recent ticket law came up, in 2013, it was killed off. Part of the reason it didn’t make it was because of a provision Disney had in the legislation. The provision was the person selling the ticket would be arrested, as would the person (or family) buying it. So if a family or a group visiting from abroad doesn’t know any better and makes the purchase, they are now a criminal. Certainly doesn’t sound like Disney is too concerned with ruining the family vacation or giving the unsuspecting person or family a parting gift of a criminal record.
    The change to the laws are still pending and have not been determined by the state government. The new proposed law still has the provision in it for those buying the fake tickets. The changes to jail time for selling would increase from sixty days to up to one year for the first offense. The second violation would become a felony instead of a misdemeanor and carries a maximum sentence of five years. 
    With the legal stuff out of the way, here are a few of the more notable escapades in the world of Disney ticket fraud. Apparently, Grandpa Walt forgot to set up a trust fund for one of his “other” grandchildren, Stephen Disney. Stephen was so hard up for Disneyland tickets that he had to steal a few. Stephen Disney, not his birth name, was a fifty-one-year-old man who claimed to be a Disney heir—he even had the fake driver's license with his alter ego on it and a false tax return showing the Walt Disney Company as his employer.
    In January of 2013, Stephen struck up a conversation with a classmate and told her of his family legacy. During their conversation she mentioned she volunteered with a non-profit organization. Stephen took an interest and replied that he could give her a pair of Disneyland tickets to use in a charity raffle to raise money for the non-profit.
    All seemed well, the raffle happened, the tickets and their new owners went over to Disneyland and they were denied entry. The tickets hadn’t been activated, as they were stolen. Stephen allegedly stole them from a retail store and then pawned them off to the unsuspecting non-profit. Stephen was arrested and charged with felony burglary and felony forgery of a state seal.
    Another crafty ticket scam took place in September of 1996, when thirty-three-year-old Jacques worked as a desk clerk at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge. Jacques would use the resort's computer system to process phony orders for tickets to guest's rooms. The tickets would arrive; he would cancel the room charges and pocket the tickets for resale. His scheme swindled $30,000 worth of park tickets until he was caught by Disney security.
    With Disney ticket scams covered, let’s up the ante a bit and go for flat out credit card theft. Credit card fraud is more rampant than ever. At one time or another, you are likely to be a victim. In Mexico and the United States, 44% and 42 % of people with a credit or debit card are hit each year—Germany has the lowest with 6%. It appears as though one of the favorite hot spots to go on someone else’s credit card is down to Walt Disney World.
    The land of Lincoln is the birthplace of Walt Disney. Today, it’s home to a guy with a wicked Disney obsession. Twenty-six-year-old Alexander was a former manager of a steak house in Lincolnshire, Illinois. Alexander loved Disney so much he visited Walt
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