
Discovered Read Online Free PDF

Book: Discovered Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kim Black
to the bathroom, I heard something vibrate. Darting my eyes around the room, I realized that Julien had left his phone on the night stand. A part of me wanted to let him know but the other part, my being a woman I guess, wanted to take a little peek. I instinctively looked behind me, making sure the Julien was still in the kitchen and bee-lined my way to the phone. I didn’t pick it up but just slightly tapped on the screen. A text message…
    “ Darling, sorry I haven’t had a chance to talk to you, well I’ve been away but I had some business meetings that were just dreadful, you know how it is but I’m back now. See you in a bit. – hugs and kisses.”
    Hands shaking, breath caught in my throat, I scrolled back up frantically to see the name of the sender and when I did I felt the stab of a million sharp knives gut me.
    He was married. How the heck could he be married and make love to me last night, and this morning, begging me to stay with him, to be with him! How could I be so stupid?
    I backed away from the phone, clenching my stomach, falling to the ground while attempting to breathe. It was happening again. I had allowed myself to get played by yet another smooth talking sex symbol. I went against all of the warnings in my head and just followed along, hoping that I was making the right choice. I could feel the impending tears burning the rims of my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I had just met this man, he didn’t deserve one ounce of my tears. That rat bastard! He was no different than Adam… No he was far more deceptive than Adam… Adam hadn’t been able to make my body surrender to him; hadn’t made it so that the mere thought of his touch disarmed me with little effort. No… Adam was an amateur compared to Julien.
    I heard Julien’s footsteps growing near the bedroom as I lifted myself off the floor, wiping the tears that had fallen freely onto my face. I couldn’t let him see me this way, he wasn’t worth it. This was just a one night stand, nothing more. I got what I agreed to and now it was time to move on. Big girl panties Emily!
    “Are you alright? When you didn’t come back I thought…” he voice trailed out when he noticed my face, red eyes attempting to avoid his stare.
    “What’s the matter Mon amour?” he asked, stepping closer than I would have liked, a seemingly concerned look plastered on his face.
    I couldn’t stand being in the same room as him, breathing in the same air… while he pretended to care about me, pretended to want to be with me all the while knowing he was married. I needed to get away.
    “Nothing! Everything is just perfect! Ab-so -freaking-perfect!” I blurted out without thinking. I had wanted to stay calm and not give him the satisfaction of knowing he had hurt me but his look of concern, look of care, angered me to no end.
    “Ha ve I done something to upset you?” he asked as he reached for my hand, completely taken aback while searching my face for answers.
    “Why don’t you just call up your wife and ask her!” I smirked, snatching my hand from him and grabbing his robe which lay across the plush love seat nearest the window and then darting to the other side of the room.
    He froze. His eyes were wide, mouth open and yet he didn’t say anything. Not a single word. I felt my heart break in half. I knew there wasn’t anything that he could say to make things better but the fact that he didn’t even try to say anything hurt me to the core. Flashes of what I had initially saw in his eyes at the bar the night before flooded my mind. This was my fault, I let him fool me. How could you be so stupid Emily?!
    “And to think, just a few hours ago you were begging me to be with you!” I wrapped myself in the robe, hating the fact that it smelled like him. I grabbed my panties and bra as I began to walk towards the door.
    “Have a nice life, Mr. Julien Belmont, a happy freaking life!” I muttered before storming off, slamming the bedroom
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