Dirty Little Misery (Miss Misery)

Dirty Little Misery (Miss Misery) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dirty Little Misery (Miss Misery) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tracey Martin
my apartment complex.
    “Take a cab. We’ll reimburse you for the expense. When you get there, find Agent Andre Pagan. Do you have something to write with? I’ll give you the address.”
    I scrambled for a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down what Olivia said. “I’ll be there.”
    I didn’t say how fast. With a second yawn, I hung up and began putting on my clothes, which Lucen had left folded on a chair after I’d gone to bed.
    He watched me as I changed. “I thought I had you for five more hours.”
    “So did I, but apparently something happened in Newton.”
    Lucen buried himself under the sheet. “Great. If this is how it’s going to be…”
    I bent over the sheet-covered lump and kissed him through the cloth. “I seriously doubt this is going to be normal. But I’m awake, so I might as well go. Can I make some coffee?”
    He lowered the sheet, grabbed my hand and pulled me closer for a real kiss. If he was hoping to make it difficult for me to leave, he was succeeding. “Of course you can make coffee.”
    When he didn’t let go right away, I knew he was more than hoping. He was trying quite blatantly to change my mind. The heat of his magic was slipping its way up arm. “Nice trick.”
    I yanked my hand away, and he smiled sheepishly. “I had to try.”
    “Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you later.”
    He muttered something as I left the bedroom, but it was muffled beneath the sheets.
    “You know which house?” the cabbie asked me some time later. “Something’s going on over there.”
    I pressed my head against the window. Something was indeed going on several houses down on the right. I couldn’t see a street number, but we’d clearly arrived at my destination. “That’s it. You can pull over.”
    Stuffing my hands in my jeans pockets, I stood for a moment, taking in the scene as the cab drove off. Three cop cars, plus possibly another unmarked one, and two Gryphon SUVs were parked in front of a huge yellow colonial. As I watched, a van from the coroner’s office squeezed into the driveway alongside a BMW. Given the house had a three-car garage, I assumed the BMW and the other expensive cars in the driveway belonged to guests.
    As I headed toward the commotion, I breathed in the smell of exhaust mingled with freshly cut grass and sneezed. Allergies. Just one of the many reasons I preferred living in the city to living in the suburbs.
    Recognizing the sound of authority, I tore my eyes away from what was no doubt at least a million dollars’ worth of house. A uniformed police officer was waving me away. “You can’t come any closer.”
    A slight breeze blew my hair in my mouth, and I fought to remove it so I could speak. “I’m supposed to meet Andre Pagan. He’s with the Gryphons.”
    The cop gave me a once-over, and I could taste his suspicion. It was a bitter film over the rest of his emotions. Whatever was in that house had freaked the shit out of him.
    Peachy. I didn’t really want to find out what that was. Damn the Gryphons. “Look, tell him Jessica Moore is here. Please. I’m new—first day on the job and no badge. But he’s expecting me.”
    The cop raised a hand toward me. “Wait here.” He got on his walkie-talkie and wandered away. A minute later, he beckoned me forward.
    With a deep breath, I walked up the brick path to the front door. Before I could climb the portico’s stairs, the door opened and a man in a Gryphon uniform smiled warmly at me. “You must be the infamous Jessica Moore.”
    Despite my anger at the Gryphons as an organization, I took an instant liking to this particular member of it. Unlike a true pred, sensing positive emotions was beyond my meager abilities, but he had a friendly face. His black hair was only a shadow on his shaved scalp, and there were amber tones in his brown eyes. He was tall too. Close to Lucen’s height if I had to guess.
    “I’m infamous? Excellent. But you can call me Jess. Are you Agent Pagan?”
    “I am, and you
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