Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series Read Online Free PDF

Book: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jeff Kinney
Tags: Young Adult Fiction, Comedy
that in the play, the Vli+ch does all sor+s of mean things +o Poro+hy.
    But then somebody +old me theres a Good VJi+ch and a Bad VJi+ch, and wi+h my lock, Xd end op getting picked +o be the good one.

    X was Mrs. Norton would just cu+ me -from
    the play, but today she said that everyone who +ried out
301^3 to ^ei a part. So lucky me.
    Mrs. hS orton showed "Xhe Vizard
Oz" moVie so everyone would know the story. X was trylhg +o ■figure out what part X should play, but pretty much every character Kas to sih^ or dance at one point or another. But about Kal-fway thrcn^h the movie, X •figured out what part X wanted to si^n up for. X’m 301^3 +0 si^n up +0 fee a Tree, because 1) they don’t have +0 sin3 and 2) they 36+ +0 bean Porothy with apples.

    Getting +o feg Patty Farrell with apples in front of a live audience would be my dream come true. X may actually have +o thank Mom for making me do this play once its all over.
    After the movie ended; X signed uf) to k « Tee. Unfortunately, a bunch of other ^uys had the same idea as me, so X guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Farrell.
    Well, like Mom always says, be careful what you wish for.
got picked to be a Tree, but
X don’t know if that’s such a ^ood thing. Xhe Tree costumes don’t actually have arm holes, so X
gvess that rules out any apple-throwing.

    X should probably ■feel lucky +h«+ X 30+ a speak^ pari a+ all. "They had +00 mahy kids +ryi'h3 ou+, and no+ enough roles, so +hey had +0 s+ar+ makin3 up charac+ers.
    Rodney James +ried ou+ +0 be +he Xn Man, bu+ he 30+ s+uck wf+h beih3 +he Shrub.

    Remember how X said X was lucky +0 3e+ a speaki^ part? Vlell, +oday X found out X only have one line in +he whole play. X Say i+ when Poro+hy picks an apple off my branch

    ”TKa+ means X kaVe to go +0 a two-kour practice every (Jay just so X can say one stupid word.
    Xm starting +0 tk
    So now X'ni trying +0 tkink o-f ways +0 get Mrs. Morton to kick me out
tke ^>lay. But wken you only Kave one word to say, it’s really kard to mess uy> your I


    "The play is only a cookie
away, arid X have no idea how were ^oihg io poll -this ihn^
all j nobody bias boihered io learn -their lines, and ihai’s all Mrs. Mor+on’s {aoli.
    Poring rehearsal, Mrs. Morion whispers everyone’s lines io ihem
ihe side
ihe sia^e.

    X wonder how ii’s ^oing io 30 nexi "Tuesday when Mrs. Morion is siiiin^ ai her piano ihiriy feei away.
    A*v>iker ikihg ikai’s screwih^ everyikihg up is ikai Mrs. kiorioh keeps adding hew scenes and hew ckaraciers.
    Yesierday, ske krou^ki ih ikiS krsi-^rader +o play Poroiky’s do^, Toio. Bui ioday, ike kid’s mom came ih ahd Said ske wah+ed ker ckild io walk arouhd oh -two le^S, kecause crawling arouhd oh all
would ke ioo "degrading."

    So how weVe 30+ a dog ikais gohha ke walkihg arouhd oh kis ki*vl legs
ike wkole skow.
    Bui ike worsi ckahge is ikai Mrs. Nlortoh acioally wroie a sohg ikai us TREES kaVe io sihg.
    Ske said eVeryohe "deserves” a ckahce io sihg ih ike play.

    So today we Spent oh hour learning the worst song that's ever teen written.

    Thank God Rodr.ck won’t te in the audience to see me humiliate mysel/. Mrs. Horton said the play is going to te a semi/ormal occasion," and I know there’s no way Rod rick is going to wear a tie /or a middle school play.
    But today wasn’t all tad. Toward the end
of practice, Archie Kelly tripped over Rodney James and chipped his tooth tecause he couldnt stick his arms out to treak his /all.

    So +He 300    'Tuesday
    T*>igH+ was +He big scHool pro