Diary of a Teenage Taxidermist
encounter. His idea of how it would play out didn’t include his own stomach plummeting at the realization that Robert was disgusted by his cock. He wanted not to care and just take his revenge, but it was awful to witness.
    Ethan slowly stepped to the side and sat on the bed, too shaky to stand. It felt like a very ambivalent dream. Of course Robert wouldn’t want a blow job from a guy. He probably had a whole queue of cheerleaders to serve him.
    Unwilling to look at Robert, Ethan let his gaze drift to the desk, and the floor seemed to fall from underneath his feet. He’d prepared a condom for this, in case Robert preferred it, but he’d forgotten to ask, too mesmerized by the situation. He took a deep breath and finally dared to sweep his gaze up the firm thighs and to the handsome, tan face.
    Robert’s big, strong hands curled around the soiled handkerchief as he took deep, slow breaths, his shoulders tense. He swallowed, opened his mouth only to close it again and repeat. “I gotta go,” he said eventually in a voice so dull it made Ethan cringe.
    “I’m sorry!” Ethan burst out. “I had a condom, I forgot,” he muttered, unable to look up at Rob. He felt as naked emotionally as he was physically. As if he were a skinless carcass, ready to be discarded.
    Robert’s hand opened and the tissue fell to the floor. He got to his feet and grabbed his hoodie. “See you at school,” he murmured, already on his way to the door.
    Ethan nodded, too shocked to utter a word. He wasn’t satisfied. He’d had a glorious orgasm and now knew how it felt to be blown by a guy, but he knew it wasn’t really what he wanted. Then again, what could he expect? That Rob would magically become gay for him? That wasn’t gonna happen, and Rob clearly didn’t want to stay and chat, which was kind of understandable given the awkwardness of the situation. The thumping on the stairs only quickened, and as soon as Ethan heard the door being slammed shut, he knew he was alone again. Nothing would happen between them until next week. The ‘See you at school’ had sounded more like a ‘fuck you’ so Ethan already knew he wouldn’t try to approach Rob there.
    He wished the encounter could have been more than a moment of pure ecstasy followed by a crash landing in reality. He curled up on the bed, not ready to go back to work yet. Even sewing was harder with just one eye available. Another craptastic fail.
    Ethan looked at the tissue on the floor with a deep breath. He’d swallow up all of Rob Hunter’s come.

Chapter 4
    Robert chewed on his pizza. He hadn’t had the right mindset yesterday to prepare himself a proper lunch for school so he tried to stuff his stomach with the soggy thing. It was so disgusting and unappetizing he had a hard time getting it down his throat. His eyes kept returning to the lonely figure in black in the far corner of the dining hall.
    He didn’t feel one bit sorry for Ethan sitting there and chewing on his food with just as much enthusiasm as Rob was. The accident hadn’t gained Ethan much sympathy, and no one seemed to approach him, even though it was the first day at school after weeks of absence. A simple black eye patch covering the empty socket made him more unapproachable, even when hidden behind a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He wore a pair of skinny jeans and a fitted long-sleeve top under an oversized black sweater with holes all over. The only brightness on his outfit were bits of silver jewelry on his fingers, and a necklace with the skull of a hummingbird. Wearing it had never won Ethan any favors. Not that Rob cared.
    The day before, he’d used up a whole bottle of mineral water to wash the taste of spunk out of his mouth, and then spent over an hour sucking on mints while sitting in his car at the gas station where he got the candy. It wasn’t because of the taste of spunk itself, even though it turned out to be less pleasant than in his fantasies. The whole encounter had left
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