Determined To Live
    Why, yes. Yes I
    The other men start
shooting, and the pings of the shots against our Hummer are loud.
    Jake and Will
scream even louder, and I start getting one hell of a headache.
    "Shut the
bloody hell up! This truck is bullet-proof, you idiots!" I
scream back at them.
    But they don't
listen; maybe they're incapable of listening.
I near the men, my conscience tries to stop me by reminding me that
I'm against killing living people. I put my nagging conscience in its
place by reminding it I've already killed a living human being. And
who could honestly call any of these disgusting freaks human ?
    With even more
determination, anger, and an "I don't give a damn"
attitude; I press even harder on the gas. The morons make it easy for
me by staying together in a tight group, still shooting. The only one
not in the group in front of me, is the one apparently too involved
in the pleasures of the unresisting woman's dead body, confident in
his buddies' ability to handle whatever problem has come their way.
    The one I want
dead the most.
    I'm now close
enough to stare right into the eyes of the apparent leader of the
freaks, and I watch with wicked fascination as his eyes widen, just
before I slam the Hummer into him and his buddies.
my door open after a few passes back and forth over the men, I tell
Will to give me my crutches. He refuses at first, but when I aim my
gun at him, he changes his mind. I jerk the sticks out of his hands
and start forward. Both men get out, but stay behind me - protecting
me or scared of me, I don't know which. At each body I come to, I take one of my crutches and slam it into
their crotch. None of them even flinch, although I hear Jake and Will
gasp each time, feeling sympathy pain in their own crotch as most men
do. Satisfied that the others are dead - at
least for now - I start for the one I really want.
    I come up behind
him and wait. From the noises he's now making, I'm sure it won't be
much longer.
    I bet you're
wondering why I just don't shoot him, huh?
    Well, I could.
    But I'm not.
    Things are
different now.
    I'm different now.
    He finishes, then
unsteadily gets to his feet and pulls his pants back up.
    "Hey fellas!
Y’all need ta git ya some of this shit," he yells
drunkenly over his shoulder to his buddies, still unaware his buddies
won't be enjoying things like that, ever again.
    He fumbles with his
belt, and when no one responds to his call, his voice takes on a
slightly worried, but annoyed tone, "Dammit, guys! Where'd y’all
go? You better notta left my ass. Damn belt!"
    He finally stops
fumbling with his belt and just leaves it unbuckled. He turns...and
comes face to barrel with my gun.
    He pinwheels his
arms a few times, and takes a few staggering steps back.
    "Far enough,
you sick bastard," I tell him, my voice as cold as the night
    He raises his hands
out in front of himself and waves them back and forth. "Hey now,
come on." He chuckles, nervously. "Don't shoot. I'm on you
all's side. I'm a livin'. Not one of dem freaks!"
    I look pointedly
down at the woman, whose body he had just violated in the sickest
ways possible.
    "What! Her ?
She were done dead. I prolly shouldn't have done that, but I'm justta
man, ya know? And we men gots ta do things like that ta release the
fus-ter-ation, ya know?"
Jake? Would either of you ever have sex with someone who's already dead?" I ask.
disgust, they both very strongly say, " Hell no!"
watch as the other man looks from both of my men back to me. He gives
another nervous laugh and says, "Come on, now. Just let ol' Grit
go and let's forget about this. Whaddaya say? Remember, I'm on your side."
    "I'm pretty
sure you're on the zombies side, Grit," I tell him.
    "Huh? No.
Really! I'm alive, ya know?" he insists. "Look at me! I can
talk. I have a heartbeat, ya know? I'm alive!"
now... ya know ?"
I tell him just before I slightly move the gun and shoot his left
    His massive bulk
falls to the ground as his
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