Destiny's Whisper

Destiny's Whisper Read Online Free PDF

Book: Destiny's Whisper Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Moynihan
to close his eyes, shake his head and wonder for the forty-ninth time what in the hell he was doing here.
    “I see you made it,” Whittaker boomed, smiling as he looked across the ice and the numerous girls, of all ages and sizes, as they skated in slow circles around the rink, warming up muscles and getting a feel for the ice.
    “I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t.” Sergei growled, his look one of disgust as he watched one of the girls blow him a kiss from across the rink. “What is all this?” Sergei questioned sharply.
    “Rumor’s out you’re looking for a partner.” Whittaker answered simply, his sharp eyes continuing to scan the skaters on the ice. “I made the decision two days ago to become a pair. How can word spread this quickly?”
    “Rumors are like wildfires; don’t ask me how they happen, they just do!” Whittaker answered with a negligent shrug.
    “Yeah, right! Well this is turning into a wildfire, totally out of control and unwanted. If this is what it’s going to be like finding me a partner, I’m out of here!” Sergei growled, running his hands through his hair in frustration and cringing as a high-pitched, voice screeched his name. Looking toward the source of the sound, that in all likelihood could scare away dogs, the flamboyant figure of his would be girlfriend waved exuberantly.
    “Isn’t that Felicia?” Whittaker inquired with a sly wink.
    “Felicity,” Sergei growled dangerously in correction, his dark gaze narrowing in a silent threat at his coach’s deliberate mispronunciation of the girl’s name.
    “That’s right!” Whittaker agreed, banging his head with his palm, “I’ve never been good with names.”
    “Bull! Your mind’s a steel trap, you never forget a thing, except things you want to forget.” Sergei argued, trying to ignore Felicity’s repeated shout of hello across the ice.
    “You’d better answer her or she’s never gonna shut up!” Whittaker urged, nodding his head in the direction of the offending noise.
    Sergei offered a minimal wave and returned his attention to his coach. “Satisfied?”
    “As a matter of fact, yes. I’ve heard less screeching coming from alley cats. Too bad, her packaging is plenty nice, but when she opens her mouth that’s all you’ll remember.”
    “There’s something to be said for her packaging , Whittaker. It’s not exactly what it seems.” Sergei offered cryptically.
    “Do tell!” Whittaker urged, a wicked glint lighting up his eyes.
    “My mother taught me if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything. I’d never sully a lady’s reputation with vicious rumors.”
    “Well, your mother raised you to be noble. My mother had no such aspirations and took great pleasure in gossiping at every opportunity and on every subject imaginable, so spill it or I’ll find out from a reliable source.”
    “I’m sure Dani would be more than happy to fill you in on every detail–correct or otherwise–that’s been said about Felicity.” Sergei suggested, an amused light sparking in his dark eyes.
    “Dani’s a very reliable source. She’s rarely wrong about such things and I know for a fact, she was very concerned about your–ah– interest in Felicity.”
    “Dani’s a busy-body who takes great delight in tormenting me in every way she can imagine and a few her friends have suggested to her.”
    “She loves you,” Whittaker stated easily.
    “She loves to make me crazy, and in her own warped way, you’re right, she loves me,” Sergei amended, holding up his hand to stop Whittaker’s attempted interruption. “But, she’s got to understand that, unlike her, who doesn’t seem to notice there’s another gender on the planet–much to Dad’s happiness–I have noticed the other gender and enjoy spending time with them. It doesn’t mean I intend to have a serious relationship with the first girl who smiles at me. But I don’t think I should have to constantly be worried that my little sister is going to
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