Desert Surrender
    She took a sip from her drink and made an appreciative moan low in her throat.
    Or maybe she"d just sit here and have a few more of these until she worked up the courage to go to Maddox"s office and apologize for her behavior.
    What would he say? From the little she knew about him, it seemed he would accept her apology and then maybe take her over his knee and spank her. That could be fun. Lots of fun. Maybe he"d fuck her this time. She hoped so, because she"d dreamed of little else all week while she"d been reading the books he"d sent her.
    Well, that wasn"t exactly true. She"d dreamed of lots of things, involving ropes and clamps, paddles and whips. They"d always ended in fucking, her bent over while he pounded into her. He always held a leash attached to a collar wrapped around her neck, holding it tight. Of course he"d used that same leash to whip her before he fucked her.

    Melinda Barron
    Clarissa shifted on her seat, her pussy tingling as she thought of the wonderfully nasty things she wanted Maddox to do to her, of the amazing orgasms those things would produce. She took another, longer, drink from her glass, then gasped slightly when the chair next to her was pulled out and a man sat down.
    Her eyes widened as she focused on Maddox"s face, his expression unreadable.
    “Surprise.” She laughed softly. “I—”
    He held up a finger, shaking it back and forth. “You will remain silent until I address you.”
    A week ago she would have told him to go to hell. Today, with the words from the books he"d sent still swirling in her mind and her clit pulsing at the sight of him, she clamped her mouth shut.
    “Nicole.” He signaled for the waitress, who bounced over. “A club soda, please, and a deck of cards.”
    “Yes, Mr. Perry.”
    Clarissa watched her leave, then turned to Maddox. “How did you know I was…”
    She closed her mouth again when he lifted an eyebrow at her. “Sorry.”
    He nodded, then lifted her hand from the table. The key chain dangled down from her finger, and she swallowed hard as he looked first at it, then at her.
    “I believe this belongs somewhere else.” Clarissa almost came on the spot as he fingered the coin. “Did your pussy grow tired of it?”
    “No, I just…” Just what? She couldn"t think of an appropriate response, so she repeated the first thing she"d meant to ask him. “How did you know I was here? Did you just come to the bar and see me?”
    “No, the staff told me.”
    A feeling of dread snaked through her. He"d told his employees to be on the lookout for her? Maybe the suite had been waiting for her. Maybe he"d expected her to come. She wasn"t exactly sure how she felt about that.
    “We keep a few suites open, for high rollers. When an unknown woman comes in without a reservation, lays down a gold card, and doesn"t bat an eye at the price of the room, the staff becomes a little suspicious. They think you"re either a whale that no one knows about or someone using a stolen credit card that just hasn"t been reported yet.
    Either way, they contacted me.”
    “They"re well trained.”
    “Very.” He nodded as Nicole put down his drink and cards, then left after bestowing another wink on Clarissa.
    “She"s very perky.”
    “Yes, she is.” He unwrapped the cards, pulled them from the cardboard, and shuffled them between his fingers. She watched them carefully, wishing those fingers were on her clit, making her come as he"d done last weekend. “Go to the bathroom and put the coin on your clit ring, and don"t waste any time. We have things to do.”

    Desert Surrender

    She gave him a seductive smile. “Shouldn"t we go up to my room? Or your office?”
    “Do as you"re told.” The dark tone of his voice made her body tingle, and she stood. “And Clarissa? Don"t come.”
    She looked down to where he continued to move the cards between his hands.
    “Are you kidding me? One tug on my ring to attach the coin, and I might just shoot off into the
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