Desert Orchid: The Desert Princes: Book 1

Desert Orchid: The Desert Princes: Book 1 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Desert Orchid: The Desert Princes: Book 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: CC MacKenzie
fifth floor. No one is permitted entry to the apartments without permission," she said as she indicated he precede her into the elevator.
    "Especially me? Hmm, Ms. Faulkner?" Khalid spoke softly and Omar stiffened by his side as Arabella placed herself between Khalid and his protection officer.
    "I’m sorry. Your bodyguard is not permitted beyond this point."
    The woman was prepared to stand there and tell him where he could and could not go in his own palace?
    Omar spread his legs and went for his weapon.
    His bodyguard was not used to women issuing orders and the act was a deliberate act of aggression, to show her who was boss.
    The woman didn’t flinch.
    Khalid, in spite of himself, was impressed by how she didn't flicker as much as an eyelid.
    "Put the gun away, Omar. Ms. Faulkner will keep you company."
    He met the cold fury in his bodyguard’s eyes and stared at him until Omar tucked away his weapon and took a reluctant step back.
    Khalid gave a tight little smile as he entered the elevator. He pressed the button, and the elevator doors closed on Arabella Faulkner and Omar. He decided his soon-to-be-wife needed to be taught a salutary lesson in manners. After all, he'd been more than fair since he'd arrived. Plus, since Charisse was grieving, he'd been prepared to give the woman a certain amount of leeway.
    However, he was not prepared to be treated like a guest in what was now his own home.
    The elevator rose smooth and swift. And he couldn't help but wonder what his future wife was like. Was she sturdy? Big hipped? Or was she a bag of bones with no meat on her? Khalid liked his women womanly with breasts and ass. Something for a man to grip, to hold onto.
    The doors opened.
    An elderly maid bowed deep before him.
    For some reason his nerves were jangling and he didn't like it, not one little bit.
    He was a king for God's sake. And it was time he started acting like one.
    The maid led him up a wide stone stairway to arched doors painted a glossy black.
    She knocked once, opened the doors and bowed for him to precede her.
    Khalid entered an airy and light space with huge doors on all sides open to the elements and stopped dead.
    Well, well, this was a pleasant surprise.
    While the rest of the palace was luxurious, furnished with heavy teak and decorated in a traditional Arabic style that tended to make it dark and claustrophobic, here the walls were chalk white with huge paintings, slashes of modern art, hung strategically around the room. A log burner in brushed stainless steel rose majestically through the cavernous ceiling. The space throbbed with energy and life.
    It smelled of candle wax, flowers, and warm woman.
    The maid indicated a couple of seven foot sofas set at right angles and groaning under the weight of silk cushions in bright jewelled colours edged with gold tassels. “Please sit, Highness.”
    She closed the double doors to the suite quietly behind her.
    Khalid picked a seat which gave him the best view of the room.
    He sat.
    Nice place.
    Very feminine.
    Intrigued, he leaned back, crossed his legs, and made himself comfortable.
    Glass bowls teaming with fresh flowers scented the air.
    Beeswax candles, thick as a man’s fist, marched down a wide coffee table made of tempered glass holding a variety of books on antiquity along with the latest glossy western magazines for women.
    A movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention.
    He blinked.
    Two wolfhounds with rough shaggy coats of dirty grey sat like statues at the entrance to another space. Hazel eyes studied him with interest.
    "Would you like tea or coffee?" A young woman’s voice called out.
    His brows rose.
    Must be another maid, and one who didn’t know her place. Domestic staff did not shout at an El Haribe prince.
    Imagining his brother’s outrage at the break of strict protocol, Khalid grinned.
    "Coffee, please."
    The dogs rose, moving as one and padded before a metal and glass tea trolley pushed by one of the
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