Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cameo Renae
other day. Her friends were planning a party after school the next day to celebrate, and all the way home, she was excited. This would be her first party away from her parents, and one that they approved of.
    “Hey mom,” she called out, dropping her books on the kitchen table.
    “Hi sweethe art,” Mrs. Gray chimed. She walked over and gave Alaine a hug. “How was school?”
    “Boring as usual,” Alaine huffed.
    “Well, go get changed and do your homework, while I finish cooking,” she said, scooting her off upstairs.
    As soon as Alaine opened the door to her bedroom and stepped inside, she sensed something was different. An unfamiliar but sweet fragrance enveloped her. It was a scent she had never smelled before, but the more she inhaled it, the more it made her feel calm and happy, and a sense of peace buzzed within her. It was the strangest, most wonderful feeling.
    S he then noticed a tiny golden box sitting on top of her pillow. She walked over to it and held it in her hand. The same scent that had permeated the room strongly perfumed the box. Alaine carefully pulled open the cover, and her eyes sparkled as she saw the beautiful gift inside. A necklace. A delicate golden chain which held a teardrop shaped stone pendant. It was reddish with tiny veins of yellow and green running through it.
    “Mom? ” Alaine called downstairs.
    “Yes?” she answered.
    “Thank you for the beautiful necklace!”
    There was silence for a few moments, and then Alaine heard her mom’s footsteps prancing up the stairs.
    “What necklace ?” she questioned, peeking her head into the room.
    “This necklace,” Alaine said, holding it up. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much!”
    Mrs. Gray shook her head , her brow crinkled in confusion. “Honey, I didn’t give you that necklace. Where did you get it?”
    “It was sitting on top of my pillow. Are you sure you didn’t---?” Alaine asked again, thinking her mom was joking, but the look on her face clearly stated that this was definitely not a joke. She was positively baffled. “Well, do you know who gave it to me?”
    “I’m not sure, and am almost certain your father didn’t get it for you. And there haven’t been any visitors today. I’d know because I didn’t leave the house all day,” Mrs. Gray noted. “It is a beautiful necklace. I’ve never seen anything like it. Well, maybe your father did get it for you, and wanted to surprise you. Sometimes he can be sneaky. We’ll ask him when he gets home.”
    Alaine nodded and smiled as her mom gave her a kiss on the head, and then sauntered back down the stairs to finish dinner.
    She sat at the edge of the bed and held the box in her fingers, examining it, wondering if there was anything that would give away its benefactor. She pulled out the small cushion from which the necklace rested, and her stomach twisted at the sight of a delicate golden-flaked paper, folded exactly to fit at the bottom of the box. She carefully removed it and as she did, the same sweet scent began to waft from it as she began to unfold, what looked like a letter.
    It was handwritten in the most beautiful cursive she’d ever seen. Her stomach twisted with excitement and apprehension as she read the first three words.    
    My dearest Alaine,
    I am so sorry that I have never had the pleasure of meeting my beautiful daughter in person. Please know this. I have always kept a watchful eye over you. Now that you will become eighteen, I wanted to present you with this gift. It is a small token of my love, on the day before your transformation.
    Do not be afraid of your gift, and as much possible, keep it secret. Human minds will never be able to comprehend it, and human hearts will be envious. One day, I will send someone to explain, but until then, remain steadfast to your own heart and discernments. They will, at most times, steer you in the right direction.  
    The adornment is a Bloodstone of Christ, one of the rarest and most sacred of all
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