Denying Heaven (Room 103)

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Book: Denying Heaven (Room 103) Read Online Free PDF
Author: D H Sidebottom
should’ve kept your trap shut.”
    Jax shrugged again and grinned at Spirit, “If you give us
the reason for River’s Ink, babe?” His eyes narrowed with mischief and I knew
he had an inkling why they were called River’s Ink, as did I, hell I had seen
    Spirit’s gaze dropped to the floor and Janey instantly
shut up. I smirked and looked at Spirit purposely, “Yeah Spirit, in fact you
should go one better and show us why you’re called River’s Ink.”
    “Enough!” Kenny barked from the back of the plane and all
heads turned to him.
    “Only fair” Romeo said calmly.
    We’d all had an idea for the reason of their name and I
knew Jax was just winding her up but I loved the guy at the moment.
    “Nowhere near fair, as you know it. Leave Spirit alone,
she doesn’t need your bullshit.”
    Oooh, protective guardian was approaching and I narrowed
my eyes on Kenny as he seized Spirit almost manipulatively and pulled her from
her seat before leading her to the back of the plane and seating her beside
    I think someone had a little crush on my little sinner.
    Fuck, no, not competition. I didn’t give a shit what or
who she fucked. It was nothing to do with me. But what I did find weird was how
she had let him, almost submissively, take control of her and guide her to
where he wanted her.
    “You’ll take the room next to mine, Spirit. Understand?” Kenny
whispered but he didn’t realise how good my ears were.
    “Kenny, leave it, all’s good.”
    “Do it, Spirit!”
    I turned and tilted my head at the slight venom in his
tone to her. They didn’t notice me watching and I frowned when Spirit just
nodded slowly and turned her head towards the window.
    “Good girl. You stay close to me on this tour, you don’t
need their crap” he added and she nodded but didn’t turn back to look at him.
    I noticed Romeo observing them both with his own brow
quirked in puzzlement. He caught my eye and silently asked me with his eyes
what was going on between them.
    I gave him a bewildered shrug as he pursed his lips and
continued to watch Kenny. He puzzled me too and I wondered what kind of hold he
had on Spirit. Whatever it was, I didn’t like it. I didn’t like how he
controlled and manipulated her. Were they a couple? Were they fucking? What the
hell did he have over her?

Chapter 4
    “Fuck me!” Janey grinned as she jumped on one of the huge
beds in our suite.
    The whole of the top floor in the lavish Royal Blue Hotel
in the Orkney Isles, Scotland had been reserved for Room 103 and River’s Ink,
including the floors own private spa, pool and bar.
    We each shared a room with one other and of course, Janey
and I were sharing but that was good with me, I loved this girl with everything
I was. She was supportive, compassionate and an epic drummer.
    “Come on Janey, unpack later, I need to hit the bar” I
urged but she scowled at me and continued with her bounce regime.
    “Christ Spirit, we only just got here,” she murmured as
she opened a door that lead to an extravagant bathroom. “Wow, look.”
    I rolled my eyes and peered into the bathroom, “Yeah
cool, a tub. Come on, Janey.”
    She shook her head and sighed at my pleading. “Spirit,”
she started and I huffed, turning away from her pitying stare when I knew what
was coming. “Sweetie, don’t you think…”
    “Fine leave it, I’ll find it myself.”
    I pulled the door closed behind me a little too loudly
but made my way down the corridor to the entertainment side of the floor.
    Practically sniffing my way to the booze I smiled at the
server as I attempted to climb onto the high stool once I reached the bar,
“Jack and ice, please.”
    He nodded and smirked at me as I tried for the third time
to hoist my tiny body up. “Fucking hell, do you not believe in little people?”
I moaned and jolted as hands circled my waist and lifted me up, planting my
backside on a stool with a delicate deposit.
    I turned and
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