
DefeatedbyLove Read Online Free PDF

Book: DefeatedbyLove Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha Kane
might need some of that,” Robert said drily.
    “Wake her up first,” Daniel said, pouring another glass.
“She can hardly swallow it now, and since I’m about to make a very stupid
promise I need the fortification.” He paused with the glass halfway to his
mouth. “Do you think I ought to fetch a surgeon? Considering her condition.”
    Daniel looked up at Matheson, who stood quietly near the
door. “Go find one.” The butler left to do his bidding, or so Daniel hoped.
    Robert kneeled down beside the patient and patted her hand
gently. “What is her name?”
    It took Daniel a moment to answer. “Ashbury. Mrs. Christine
    “Mrs. Ashbury,” he said as he patted her hand again. “Wake
up. You don’t wish to frighten me, do you?” He glanced at Daniel. “Smelling
    “What on earth were you doing in Bloomsbury?” Daniel asked
as he rummaged through his desk for smelling salts. Strangely enough, he was
relatively sure he had some in there.
    “I’m a constable now, working out of the police office at
Queen’s Square,” his old friend said, sliding onto the couch and lifting Mrs.
Ashbury half across his lap. He tapped her cheek lightly. “I didn’t know you’d
moved back into your father’s house. I was as surprised as you when I saw you
racing down the street hollering.”
    “I figured it was time,” Daniel said. “The place has been
empty since Father died ten years ago.”
    “I know,” Robert said, rubbing Mrs. Ashbury’s hand between
his. “I still live down the road with Mother.”
    “Do you? It will be like old times. Except while you’ve
hardly changed a bit, I’m a stranger to myself. Ah ha!” Daniel said in triumph,
holding a vial of vinegar aloft. “It’s a bit old. I hope it’s still potent.” He
brought it over and took out the stopper. When he sniffed it his eyes nearly
watered. “Ugh. I think it’s more potent.” She was moaning a little and her lids
were fluttering. “Should I?” he asked.
    “Just a little wave,” Robert said. “She’s coming around
    Daniel did as advised and she gasped and turned her head
sharply and then moaned louder. Daniel backed up. He had no idea how to deal with
pregnant women. They were unpredictable and usually unstable. Robert just
chuckled and sat up straighter. With her head on his shoulder she had no choice
but to sit up as well. Her eyelids opened slowly and she blinked repeatedly.
    “I’m sure I didn’t faint,” she muttered. “I never faint.”
    “You fainted,” Daniel said flatly. “But under the
circumstances, it was to be expected. I nearly fainted.”
    That earned him a ghost of a laugh. “You lie, but you are a
gentleman to do so,” she said, struggling to sit up on her own. Robert helped
her and then moved away.
    Daniel handed her his glass of wine. “Sip it. Slowly.”
    She obeyed and in minutes her color had returned. “Thank
you.” She turned to Robert. “And you, too.”
    “My pleasure, Mrs. Ashbury. Constable Robert Manderley at
your service.” He bowed, and when he straightened he smiled reassuringly at
her. “Shall we send someone for Mr. Ashbury?”
    “Only if they’ve got a boat,” she muttered, smoothing her
hair back into place. Daniel supposed she was quite pretty, with her fair skin
and big blue eyes and her dark hair. Robert certainly thought so, if Daniel was
reading him correctly. “I mean, he can’t be reached right now. He’s out of the
    Robert raised an eyebrow in an apparent shock. “I see. Odd
time for that, isn’t it?”
    “I believe many people travel in July,” she replied
    “Did you know those men?” Robert asked, his voice curious
but hardly interrogating.
    “No,” Mrs. Ashbury said vehemently, as if he’d accused her
of the kidnapping. “I’ve never seen them before in my life.” She turned to
Daniel. “I was just here visiting my husband’s dearest friend, Mr. Steinberg,
while he’s
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