blood.” She looked up at him; he put down her bags beside the sofa and stood while he listened to her tell him about her day even though she left out the part of her encounter with Marco. She wasn’t ready to talk about it; this was a major event and she just wanted to ignore it for the moment. “Would you forgive me if we skip today’s workout and head straight to Lucky’s? I could go for a nice glass of wine with a triple-decker turkey club. Doesn’t that sound enticing?” She pleaded with her puppy dog face as her bottom lip protruded out. Who could resist?
“Looking for comfort food huh? It sounds good to me I have a couple of calls to make on my cell so why don’t you change and then we’ll go.” He grabbed his phone from his pocket and went out to the back deck to talk about one of his latest properties he listed. Nate worked at his father’s real estate business in town and will eventually take over the business one day. He really works hard at it working around the clock seven days a week always trying to live up to his father’s expectations.
Marisol dragged herself to her room to look for her jeans. She thought about Nate and how their friendship had blossomed through the years. She knew they both used each other as shields and created a facade to everyone in town but they were content with how their relationship is for now. Thinking back how many times she can remember Nate, Marco and herself causing a ruckus in town? Marco’s dad nicknamed Nate, “El Gringo”. They had a lot of laughs and Angelo always trailing behind their tracks. She laughed thinking about the time Angelo was sprayed by a skunk trying to sneak up on them and was outsmarted by the little creature. He cried and had the audacity to blame them for it. Those were the days…
Finally deciding on the white sweater that buttoned down the front with jeans and her black cowboy boots. She went to find Nate who was still talking on his phone rolling his eyes at her. She couldn’t help but laugh, Nate was the theatrical one of the group. She went and fed Mace who was more than grateful for his bowl of food. He amazed her with his enthusiasm over food. Nate came back in the house asking if she wouldn’t mind delaying dinner for another hour. He had to go check on a vacant property that appears to have some damage due to the rain. He wanted to verify the extent of the damage. It was always an adventure with Nate.
As Marco followed Angelo home he tried to gather his wits. Seeing Marisol again really shook him up. It’s been a very long time and seeing her again felt like it was just the other day he left town like a fugitive in the night. She was even more beautiful as a full grown woman, a woman he didn’t quite know, he only knew the girl Marisol from his boyhood past. His days began and ended with her by his side, he even remembered her scent and now twelve years later it felt like they were strangers. He knew coming home after all these years was going to be complicated. His father’s heart attack was the reason for his return. The time he lost being apart from his family were lost forever, he missed out on so much. Nothing will ever keep him away again. He only wished the man behind his pain and loss will burn in hell. The time for retribution has finally arrived. He may have forgiven his father but it will be a cold day in hell before he forgives William. He felt every muscle tense within his body and decided he needed to whine down a bit, maybe take Cisco out for dinner and catch a couple of beers for himself.
She accompanied Nate on his excursion and an hour later they finally were sitting at her favorite comfort place “Lucky’s”. It felt like home to her, the relaxed atmosphere with little lighting and nostalgic movie pictures hung on the walls giving it a rustic feel. She was savoring her wine and let out a big
Leta Blake, Alice Griffiths