and tried to loosen the man’s grasp, but his arthritic fingers, like the gnarled roots of a tree, held fast. Suddenly his ghastly face was right up close, and then his mouth widened, forced open by a torrent of blood-like projectile vomit that shot out and painted Zack’s face. The blood was every shade of red, crimson, damson, almost black, and now the force of it was finding its way under Zack’s eye lids round the back of his eyeballs, through his ears and up his nostrils, ending up at the back of his throat, and from there, seeping down within him, he was swallowing it.
As the blood started burrowing its way into Zack’s veins and coursing through him, he felt it burst triumphantly into the open cavities of his lungs, making him gasp and splutter for clean air. He had a sense that his own blood was no match for this livid transfusion which was taking over, looting him, running riot. Soon his life force would be vanquished and replaced, soon he would be someone else!
In genuine fear for his life and with a violent strength he pushed the beast from him, forced open his eyes and leapt up to see Clarissa flying across the room and landing with a bump. Had he done that? Had he? He leant down, grabbed his shoes and his body shot through with panic, he raced from the room, bolted along the hall and flung himself out of the flat.
Too agitated to wait for the lift, he fled down the narrow winding stairs of the apartment block to ground level, out of the heavy glass double doors, along the street that seemed to be bathed in a brilliant white light, causing each person he passed to look like a walking skeleton. Fear and a sickly smell of death and contamination did not leave him until he plunged into a coffee shop, still carrying his shoes, and aware that everyone was gazing up at him, he knocked into a table then sat down at it.
Three young office workers looked affronted at the intrusion. They shuffled their chairs a little to give him space, their conversation killed stone dead, coffee at sea in their cups.
“Are you okay, mate?” said one, frowning slightly.
“Yes, I am now. Sorry, sorry about that,” said Zack his hands slapped on the table to steady it, “had a bit of a shock, that’s all.”
“You should grab a tea or something, sugar’s meant to be good for all that.”
Zack nodded, realising now he had left his wallet in his jacket back at Clarissa’s. “Look… I’m sorry but can I ask you? Is there blood on my face?”
“Yes, blood?”
“No, mate, what… you been in an accident or something?”
“Yes, that’s right, I have.”
Understanding now, the three young men smiled reassuringly at Zack. Thank God, he thought, how lovely here in the real world. The world I know, the only world I know.
Back in his office Zack stood at the window gazing down to the street below. He didn’t hear Sam come in but he did hear him clear his throat.
“You survived then? No need to send out the cavalry.”
“Catch you later, Sam,” said Zack quietly, without even turning to look at him, “under the cosh a bit here.”
Noting that Zack’s desk was completely devoid of any kind of work at all, Sam turned and left, crossing Rose at the doorway.
“Karl Wake is here, Zack, shall I bring him in?”
“No, cancel Rose would you.”
“ Cancel? ” said Rose, convinced she hadn’t heard him correctly.
“That’s what I said”
“But how can I?” said Rose, “he’s up here already, he’s sitting in reception right now.”
“You’ll come up with something,” said Zack, “use your imagination.”
“Zack, are you okay?” she said. “Are you ill or something?”
“Get rid of him I said, and cancel everyone else.”
Bristling slightly, Rose turned and left, slowing only in the passageway to think up an excuse for Karl Wake. She caught Sam’s eye as she passed his office which was enough to make him pick up his phone and call Clarissa.
Zack remained at the