Deadman's Switch & Sunder the Hollow Ones
One…two…three… Damn it, lift! What are you, stupid? You really want me to kick your ass?”
    I hold the chair and keep it from rolling. When they’ve got Reggie in and I set his feet onto the rests, I suggest we try and sit Ash on his lap.
    â€œYou and I can switch off pushing. Stephen can carry Tanya.”
    â€œGood idea. But you should eat something first, Jess. You’re shaking like a leaf.”
    â€œI’m not hun—”
    â€œWe’re not leaving till you eat something!”
    The look on his face is edging past concern and into panic territory. I know why he’s so focused on my appetite, on whether I still have one. And what I might be craving.
    â€œListen, I feel fine, Kelly.” And I do, which is rather surprising. For the first time I allow myself to wonder if the immunity booster might’ve made me resistant to whatever Stephen injected in me. It’s been two hours and all I feel is tired and weak. “Stop worrying.”
    He touches my forehead. I wait, rolling my eyes. After a moment, he lowers his hand and shakes his head. “No fever. At least drink some water, Jess.”
    He walks over to the cart. The Insta-Meals have grown cold, but when he opens it and reaches inside for one, the smell makes me swoon. He hands it to me, then takes another for himself. “Six left. And you don’t get one,” he tells Stephen.
    â€œI can’t even remember the last meal I ate,” I say as I dig in. Suddenly, my whole body is screaming out for food.
    Kelly nods. “Dried up candy bars and fossilized cookies.”
    I wolf the meal down. It’s delicious. Best thing I’ve ever tasted. My stomach rebels, but I manage to keep it down.
    Kelly finishes his a few seconds later. He tosses the tray away, then goes over and lifts Ashley onto Reg. He struggles a bit, even though she can’t weigh but a hundred pounds, probably half of Reggie’s weight. After she’s secure, he goes over and gets Tanya in a position where he can lift her.
    I can feel the strength returning to my muscles after the Insta-Meal. I go and grab the remaining ones from the cart and stuff them into my pack.
    Tanya’s body is dead weight, but Kelly manages to get her onto Stephen’s back. He straps her on piggyback. Stephen staggers beneath her weight, but doesn’t fall.
    â€œDeal with it,” Kelly says. “And don’t drop her.”
    We take turns pushing the wheelchair with its double burden. It’s hard going and the front wheels keep wanting to flip sideways. Still, it’s probably a hell of a lot easier than carrying them. Barely five minutes into the return walk and sweat is pouring off Stephen’s face.
    â€œYou okay over there?” I ask him. Kelly makes a sound of disgust, but doesn’t say anything. “I just don’t want him dropping her.”
    â€œHe won’t, if he wants to keep all his body parts.”
    I shine the light at Stephen’s face, but he doesn’t even flinch. Sweat drips from his nose and chin. His hair is plastered against his neck and his skin has taken on a waxy sheen.
    â€œWe’ll be lucky if he doesn’t have a heart attack,” I say.
    â€œBe lucky if he does,” Kelly mutters.

Chapter 6

    We return to Jake and Micah nearly two and a half hours after leaving them. As soon as Jake sees our flashlight he comes running back to meet us.
    â€œTook you guys long enough,” he cries.
    I try not to snap at him as I pass.
    â€œLooks like somebody made a full recovery,” Kelly mutters. He raises his voice and says, “You could offer to help one of us instead of just standing there, Pukeboy!”
    I’ve got Ashley’s arm slung over my shoulder, supporting her as she stumbles along beside me. She had started recovering about a half mile back and only in the last thirty minutes or so has she been strong enough to walk. My side and back
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