Deadly Seduction
one another. There were various functions each year that brought them into one another’s vicinity but at the same time, neither went out of their way to talk to the other.
    Gisela wasn’t the angry and loud type. She’d always been quiet, innocent and so dangerously beautiful. He felt touching her, he’d tarnished her somehow because he wasn’t fit to breathe the same air as her. She was, without a doubt, an infinitely better person than he could ever hope to be.
    It never stopped him from fucking her every chance they’d gotten when they were teenagers and he had to have every inch of her. He needed them to be connected in every way and they were whether they wanted to admit it or not. They shared a child and at one time, they’d been inseparable but that seemed like a lifetime ago.
    “Don’t worry about my chronic habit.” Her voice was feminine yet strong. “I don’t do anything harder and I’m not going about flashin’ my pussy to every available man so mind your own fuckin’ business. I already have a father—I don’t need a second one.”
    Cillian couldn’t help but smile before he dragged from the joint and held the smoke in his lungs as long as possible before he exhaled.
    “I didn’t mean to raise your hackles, darlin’. You were another person when we were together—”
    “Yeah that was long motherfuckin’ time ago, Cillian .” She smiled wryly as she mispronounced his name on purpose.
    The first time they’d met, she stared at him as if he were the devil himself and wondered out loud, “You’re Cillian Cox? My dad would kill me if he knew you were offering me a ride into Pine Bluff.”
    “My name’s pronounced Kill-e-an,” he’d told her. “It’s an old Irish name and I get shit from the teachers all day pronouncing it with a soft ‘C’ when it’s pronounced like it would be spelled with a ‘K.’”
    Those were fun times, innocent times but certainly not the present. He handed her back her joint.
    “Listen, I know you didn’t come here for sex because obviously you and Chiara did more than talk…what’s goin’ on?”
    Cillian needed to do something with his hands. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his pack of Camels. After he freed one from the pack, he lit it with his Zippo and dragged hungrily. “Are you sure you want to know? I mean…I don’t even know why I’m tellin’ you when…you could be disbarred.”
    “Then don’t tell me.” Gisela stood; he reached out and grabbed her arm with sheer instinct.
    Her skin was warm, soft and she smelled delicious, like vanilla and amber mixed together. Her scent was so palpable, he could smell it over the cigarette and marijuana smoke.
    “Spit it out, Cillian. Is it Club business?”
    He nodded as he exhaled cigarette smoke from his nostrils. “I gotta tell you somethin’ and I know you’re bound by attorney-client privilege—”
    “The Club employs Jackson and Hughes but I’m not your attorney.” She dragged from her joint and sat back down. “What’s up?”
    Cillian reached into his pocket and peeled off twenty one-hundred-dollar bills. “It’s all the cash I have on me.”
    “Fine, I’m now your attorney and whatever you tell me falls under attorney-client privilege.” Gisela glared at him with annoyed amber eyes. “So, what the fuck is goin’ on?”
    “Tomorrow night…I’m gonna kill a man…and eventually, his death will lead back to me. Promise me, you’ll represent me in court.”
    She dragged on her joint one last time before she put it out in the ashtray and ran her hands through her hair. “You don’t have to do it—”
    “Yeah, I do.” He took another drag on his cigarette before he stubbed it out in the same ashtray. “It’s the only way Dizzy will allow me to leave Brianna.”
    The look on Gisela’s face was priceless as she met his eyes with her own inquisitively. “You’re…leaving
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