Deadly Little Sins
getting a salad, she wants a salad. I have to battle nerves as we pick our way around the tables in search of the group. A girl in Ray-Ban frames sitting by the window waves to us. I have to blink to convince myself it’s Kelsey—her signature long blond hair is cut into a chic chin-length bob.
    She hops up from the table to meet Remy with a hug. She then gives me a squeeze. “I can’t believe you’re really here!”
    “Me neither.” I force a smile, because over her shoulder, Cole Redmond has caught my eye. In tow are our friends Murali and April, plus two other guys I’ve met briefly at parties and through class: Diego Almeida and Graham Drummond.
    There’s a flurry of greetings. Murali envelops me in a bear hug so strong that my feet leave the ground. Cole offers me a thin smile as we all try to fit at the four-person table.
    Six months ago, Cole would have hugged me, too. That was before I hurt his best friend and said something shitty about Cole’s mom’s affair with Senator Westbrook.
    I’m thankful for all the overlapping conversations, because the heat is off me and my suspension. Also, someone else brings up the question I’ve been itching to ask.
    “Where’s Conroy?” Graham asks.
    Cole peels the label off his water bottle. “His flight doesn’t get in until late.”
    I feel a small prick of disappointment, followed by relief. I have until tomorrow to figure out what I’m going to say to Brent.
    You had all summer to figure out what you’re going to say.
    I tap Diego on the shoulder. “You were in my Latin class last year, right?”
    “I think so.” He knows so. And that’s not being arrogant or anything. I shot the vice principal in the leg. That’s bound to get a girl noticed.
    The unofficial story that spread after Dr. Harrow was arrested was that he tried to kill me because he thought Isabella told me she was sleeping with him. The real story is that Isabella didn’t tell me anything, and I found out on my own. With help from Brent and Anthony.
    They’re among the few people who know the truth. But I don’t want to think about that right now.
    “So what’s the deal with Ms. C?” I ask Diego.
    “She quit.” He shrugs with one shoulder. “The other language teachers divided up her classes. We got Fisch.”
    “I know. He gave me a B minus on my final.”
    “That sucks.” Diego’s face freezes. “Not the B minus. I mean, that Fisch gave it to you. He’s not even a Latin teacher.”
    “It’s okay. I know it sucks.” By Wheatley’s standards, at least. “Do you know why Ms. C quit?”
    There’s that one-shoulder shrug again. “No one said. But she probably found out she wasn’t being hired back this year and got pissed.”
    “How do you know? That she wasn’t being hired back.”
    “Ninety percent of first-year teachers or something don’t get hired back. Not even that Muller guy, and everyone loved him, too.”
    Two well-liked teachers let go at the end of a scandal-ridden year for Wheatley. Is it a coincidence, or am I missing something?
    There’s a loud bang behind me, and the sound of glass shattering. A small shout escapes my throat.
    So much blood.
    I whip around to the source of the noise: Dan Crowley standing over a shattered glass. Someone starts a slow clap. Dan flushes to his ears.
    But everyone at my table is staring at me. I look down; I’m gripping the edge of the table so tightly my knuckles turn white.
    I mumble an excuse about forgetting dressing for my salad and get up. But I’ve really lost my appetite.
    Remy doesn’t bring up the scene during lunch on the way back to the dorm. But once we settle into our room and start unpacking, I catch her sneaking glances at me. Definitely wondering what the hell happened back there.
    “Oh, look what I got for us.” She holds up a clear plastic storage container, showing off the removable divider trays a little too enthusiastically. “For all of our nail polish!”
    “Cool,” I say. “I
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