photo and an instant later the screen went black and the tablet began to emit a high-pitched whine. Without hesitation Otto stabbed at the button to lower the car’s window and flung the tablet out through the gap. A split second later there was a flash and the concussive thump of high explosives detonating as the tablet destroyed itself in a ball of fire that would have torn their vehicle to shreds.
    ‘Did you get it?’ Raven snapped. ‘Do we have a name?’
    ‘Yeah, but I’m afraid that things may have just become slightly more complicated,’ Otto replied.
    The screaming sirens of the police cars pursuing them were now getting louder as more patrol cars joined the chase from side streets behind them. Raven frowned at the sight of a road block forming a few hundred metres ahead of them.
    ‘Complicated we can handle, but for now it’s time we disappeared,’ she said, hitting a button on the steering wheel.
    The driver in the lead police car gasped in amazement as the black sports car in front of them seemed to flicker for a moment and then vanished, as if it had never been there at all.

    ‘Hey, guys,’ Shelby said, flopping down in the seat next to Wing and Franz in Dr Nero’s office.
    The three of them were now all that remained of their year’s Alpha stream students after the Disciples’ merciless assault on the H.I.V.E. training exercise known as the Hunt just a couple of months earlier.
    ‘Good morning,’ Wing said with a smile. ‘I missed you at breakfast. Where were you?’
    ‘Worried I might be seeing somebody else, big guy?’ Shelby asked with a wink.
    ‘No. Should I be?’ Wing asked with a raised eyebrow.
    ‘’Course not,’ Shelby said with a grin. ‘Who could ever match you, hot lips?’
    ‘Shelby, I have asked you repeatedly not to call me –’
    ‘How about the smooch-meister then?’ Shelby replied quickly. ‘I actually think I might prefer that to be honest.’
    ‘This is being too much information,’ Franz said under his breath, rolling his eyes.
    ‘If you must know where I was this morning,’ Shelby said, ‘Professor Pike never misses breakfast and I was just taking advantage of that fact to . . . erm . . . visit his office.’ She produced a sheet of folded paper from the pocket of her black uniform jumpsuit. ‘I know his memory’s probably not that great these days, but he really shouldn’t just write his master server access passwords down like that.’
    ‘And he just left that lying around, did he?’ Wing asked with a slight frown.
    ‘Yeah, just lying around . . . in his safe,’ Shelby said with a mischievous smile, ‘but if you’re going to rely on such basic security you’re really asking for this kind of thing to happen.’
    ‘I am thinking this is how we usually are starting the whole getting into unbelievably serious trouble thing,’ Franz said with a resigned sigh. ‘Normally I am enjoying the whole shooting and exploding and nearly dying thing as much as anyone, but I am wondering perhaps if there is any chance that I might be being allowed to sit this one out for once?’
    ‘No way,’ Shelby said. ‘We’re like the three musketeers now. All for one and –’
    ‘Yes, yes,’ Franz said, ‘I was afraid you were going to be saying something like that.’
    The fact of the matter was that the three of them had become almost inseparable after they became the only remaining Alphas in their year. It had not been easy coping with the loss of their closest friends and the suspicious gossiping whispers of their fellow students that inevitably followed. Nobody would have dared say anything to them directly, but they had become all too used to hushed conversations that stopped as they approached and curious glances in their direction. Everyone else avoided them, as if they were just a lingering reminder of the tragedy that had befallen the school. None of their fellow students seemed to think about the loss that the three of them had suffered as well. They
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