Dead Sweet: A D.I. Turnbull mystery

Dead Sweet: A D.I. Turnbull mystery Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dead Sweet: A D.I. Turnbull mystery Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sally O'Brien
sides of the flat.
    "Every drawer, every surface, every cushion, every gap; I'm gonna nail this fucking Willy Wonka."
    Candace chuckled at the ever present dark humour which accompanied police investigations. "Just don't eat anything." She added.
    "Ha fucking ha." said Todd before returning to his eternal search for justice, "That's put me off sugar for life."

Chapter Four
    Saturday July 6 th 2013
    09:30 hours
    D.I. Todd Turnbull stood outside the Coroner's office waiting for the autopsy of Mandy Thomas to end. Todd never attended the autopsies; it wasn't because he had a weak stomach or couldn't stand the horror of death. It was because Todd felt it was disrespectful to the dead. Whilst others may see it as all part of the job and happily discuss evidence over the ripped open body of the recently dead, Todd knew he served no actual purpose by being present and preferred instead to afford the dead some decency and wait to discuss their cases with the Coroner in his office.
    As he waited, Todd contemplated what he had been through in the last twenty four hours. Tony Walton had been about as much use as tits in a gay bar; he had known no more than the information he had given Todd at the scene of the crime, snivelling uncontrollably at the station until Todd's patience began to wear thin; there were only so many hours any human could tolerate persistent crying, regardless of the situation and Todd had had to ask Tony to go home once five hours had passed. The only thing Todd had learnt from Tony Walton was the contact details for Mandy's parents. They were estranged from each other which meant Todd had to break the news of their daughter's death twice over. Informing parents their loved ones had passed was never easy but the job was even harder when you had to explain to people their daughter had been turned into some sort of macabre display. It had been a very hard day for everyone concerned and Todd had felt drained both physically and emotionally by the time he had finally entered his flat and collapsed fully clothed onto this bed at 11:30 that evening.
    Raniveshalam Kaniganyagam or just plain Rani for short; came out of the Coroner's room, pulling off his gloves as he walked. He said "Hi," to Todd and stopped to discuss what he had discovered.
    "It's sick," he informed Todd. "We pulled one hundred and forty seven different sweets out of all parts of that girl's body. They were even inside her, stuffed in every orifice. I'm just glad the girl was dead before it happened."
    "Any trace evidence?" Todd asked; he was hoping there may be traces of semen or even blood in the injuries belonging to Mandy's killer."
    "Yeah, looks like semen is present." Rani confirmed, "But will take a few days to get DNA results."
    "No way, that's a stroke of luck." Todd got the itch of excitement in the pit of his stomach, he wondered if it was actually possible that this was a case which would be open and shut.
    "Was she raped?" he asked Rani.
    "Impossible to tell, she is so badly injured from the objects pushed into her, it's hard to know if there's been recent sexual activity. She isn't bruised so it doesn't seem as if a struggle has taken place."
    Todd knew the presence of semen could mean that Mandy had been raped post mortem but it could also signify that she had previously had consensual sexual activity; maybe with her killer; before things became evil. It was just as likely, however, that she had had sex with her boyfriend or even A. N. Other; a male she may have been seeing without her boyfriend's knowledge. Considering her beauty and perfect figure, Todd knew Mandy would have been an object of desire with many offers of sexual coupling. It was highly probably she had given in to temptation and had been having an affair behind Tony Walton's back.
    "Anything else you can tell me?" Todd asked Rani.
    "No, she definitely died from suffocation. All cuts were made post mortem. Her eyeballs weren't actually removed; they were pushed into her head
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