Dead Renegade

Dead Renegade Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dead Renegade Read Online Free PDF
Author: Victoria Houston
alive at this moment?
    Whatever it was worked on women of all ages, ethnic origins, sizes, and marital statuses—from bait shop clerks to heiresses to women of faith. Yep, even the nuns at St. Mary’s adored the guy.
    “So where can I buy a hat like that?” asked C.J., wiping her mouth with her napkin, “I know somebody who’d love one.”
    “Well … you can’t buy one,” said Ray as he reached for a handful of black olives and baby carrots from the relish plate that Erin had set in the middle of the kitchen table. “A friend made it for me. Margaret Taggert … a grand gal who passed away a couple years ago … and that is too bad. I’ve had l-o-o-ts of people ask me where they can get a hat just like mine. I tell ya … Margaret could have made a few bucks. “
    The hat in question was currently resting just above eye level on Cody’s head, Cody having appointed himself the hat’s official custodian upon any visit of Ray’s to their home—an appointment that usually led to protests from Mason. But Mason had not objected today. Used to the kids’ bickering, Osborne found that odd.
    At the moment, Cody sported the summer version of the worn leather cap: ear flaps tucked up so that the head and tail of the fish protruded so far over his ears that the hat was in danger of taking up an extra place at the kitchen table. Under the kitchen lights, the antique wood and metal fishing lure draped across the breast of the stuffed trout sparkled as brightly as C.J.’s eyes every time she stole a glance at Ray.
    “So, Ray, just how old was Margaret Taggert before she passed away?” Osborne asked.
    “Ninety-two. Both Margaret and old Ike were ninety-two. Margaret … died first and Ike … just twenty hours later. Hard to believe, y’know. But old Ike … he was in the nursing home when he was told she’d gone to heaven, and that was that. They were a pair those two—raised green beans, tomatoes,
    Brussels sprouts and sweet peas right up until the end. A real love story …”
    “Ray drove the Taggerts to town for all their doctor visits,” said Osborne in answer to the quizzical look on C.J.’s face. “Margaret came up with the idea for that hat all on her own—she knew what would make this razzbonya happy.”
    “You drove two elderly people in that rattletrap pickup?” C.J. looked horrified.
    “I wish,” said Osborne with a rueful grin. “Ray lives next door to me so when they needed a ride, he would borrow my car. The more I think about it—I’m the one who deserved the hat.” He gave Ray a look of mock anger. The conversation was lifting his spirits in spite of his concern over Lew’s millionaire homebuilder.
    “All right, you two, stop the squabbling and finish up,” said Erin as she started to clear the table. “Cody, give Ray back his hat.”
    “Hey, Cody,” said Ray as he reached for his hat, “what did the one wood tick say to the other wood tick?”
    Cody grinned and shook his head, “I dunno.”
    “Shall we walk or take a fisherman?” Cody gave Ray a blank stare. Mason giggled, Beth looked bored and C.J. stared at Ray for a long moment before chuckling.
    “Oh-h-h, no,” groaned Erin. “You can do better than that.”
    Lifting an eyebrow, Ray leaned sideways towards Beth. “So, young lady,” he said, “I hear you’re about to turn thirteen. I assume your mom has told you the secret to safe sex—”
    “Ray …” Erin did not smile. “Do not be inappropriate.”
    “You’re the one who wants a better joke.”
    “Beth, Cody, Mason, leave the kitchen. Out!” said their mother. With reluctance, the kids got to their feet. A push from their mother got them out of the kitchen through the door to the backyard.
    “All right, what’s the punch line of this bad joke?” Erin asked, leaning against the kitchen counter with her arms folded, a testy look directed at Ray.
    “Make sure the car doors are locked.”
    “Honestly, Ray, that isn’t even funny.”
    With a grin, Ray
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