Dead or Alive

Dead or Alive Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dead or Alive Read Online Free PDF
Author: Trevion Burns
even the nastiest fantasies he'd been conjuring up in his head in the last seven months.  His response was intense and immediate. Her cleavage glistened with sweat that he wouldn't mind licking off.  If she'd let him, he'd lick every single inch of her.  Before he could collect himself, he envisioned her climbing onto his lap and fucking him in that very plane, bouncing on his dick until her head was banging against the roof.
    Violet tilted her head at him, unable to accept that he was staring at her so openly.  “They’re called breasts,” she joshed.
    He jolted, sputtered, and forced himself to look away from her completely. At this point, he was sure he’d lost his damn mind.  Here he was, a fugitive of the law with a gunshot wound in his leg, and all he could think about was what could be hiding under Violet’s skirt.
    Violet’s eyes fell to his lap where the small pool of blood had quickly soaked the entire leg of his pants.  "You need a doctor.  Look at yourself.  You can't even hold your head up right now.  You're going to be dead soon."
    It didn’t help that the sight of her undressing had sent every drop of the precious little blood he had left shooting straight for his dick. "I'm a fugitive convicted of murder, and now kidnapping.  Death is the only thing I can count on.  That... or freedom. And I think we can both agree I'm not shouldering the greatest odds on the latter."
    Without answering, Violet pressed her head back against the seat, murmuring softly to herself.
    It wasn’t the first time she’d done that, and Remy found himself unable to look away.  His curiosity got the better of him. “Do you go to church?”
    Her eyes opened slowly, and she found herself entranced at the beautiful view they had.  “What makes you ask me that?”
    “You’ve been saying a lot of prayers.”
    “I’ve never thought of myself as a particularly religious woman. I don’t bow my head before a meal, don’t utter a quick one before I go to sleep.  Not ever.  I don’t know…” She shrugged and feigned a far-away tone of voice. “There’s just something about having a pistol pointed at your head that really brings it right out of you.”
    “I didn’t keep it pointed at your head, did I?  I eventually moved it to your waist, instead.”
    “Oh how kind. ”  She clapped her hands together.  “How amazingly kind of you, Archibald.  Wow.  Really.  Where do I send the flowers?”
    Her voice rose higher and higher with each sentence she said.  As his head began to spin, Remy suddenly realized that he didn’t have the energy for this.  Almost a year in the pen and he’d forgotten how wonderful it was to breathe in the scent of a woman, but he’d also forgotten how exhausting it was to listen to one who refused to shut up.  Violet was giving him just enough of both to drive him absolutely insane.
    “You’re going to bleed to death soon.”  She whispered.
    “I’m fine.” He continued to look down into the ocean water blankly.
    She couldn’t tell if his blank stare was boredom, or if it was his body finally succumbing to all of the blood he was losing.
    “Son of a bitch.”  She sighed and leaned into the back, swiping up her blazer.
    “What are you doing?”
    “We have to slow the bleeding.”
    “Why would you help me?”
    She froze.  “Because we’re so far over water that I can barely see land, and I don’t know how to fly a helicopter.  Now shut the hell up and hold this taunt.”
    Still suspicious, Remy gave in.  He tried to move, and winced.  Never in his life had he experienced such pure, unadulterated pain.
    Violet watched him struggle, wondering what he was doing, before she realized he was lifting his bloody leg over the plane’s controls and into her lap.  She barely had a moment to protest before his bloody pants leg was lying across her thighs.  Immediately, blood began pouring out of his wound and onto her skirt.
    Horror covered her face.  She’d offered
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