Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED]
he put his hand to his mouth—the one covered in the juices of her pussy—and began to lick his fingers one by one. "Who should I choose?" he asked her between licks. "A young mother of two? A man trying to feed his family? A servant whose mother is solely dependent upon her small income? An old grandfather waiting to bring in his last harvest in the fields? I shall sit here and choose, and if you have not returned in a quarter hour, I will be happy to sate my hunger the way I am meant to." Dated references, but very real threat.
    Chloe swallowed. "You... you haven't killed anyone yet, have you?" she asked him.
    He shook his head. "Corpses are so messy," he said. "Leaves a trail. But I would welcome the chance to drain someone dry, feel the last pump of their heart on my tongue..." He watched her as he spoke and she felt her own blood—what was left of it, anyway—grow as cold as his hands.
    She turned and bolted from the car.
    His laughter followed her into the store.

Chapter Three
    U p until her credit card was declined, Chloe had been making barely-decent time. She'd spent far too long, however, hopping from foot to foot in the checkout lane, wondering why so many people had to be at Walmart at almost ten o'clock on a weeknight. Not that it would have been any better if it were a weekend, but she needed to get through the line fast and back out to the car where the vampire waited, scoping out victims and no doubt counting down the seconds.
    Fighting through the spinning of her head, Chloe had ripped the first clothes to come to hand from their hangers: a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt in the colors of Iowa State. Socks and a pair of shoes were next—she had to guess the size—and then she'd sprinted back to the front of the store, her heart hammering in her throat. The self-checks were all down for some reason, so she had raced along the long line of counters, frantically searching for the one with the shortest line. When she'd found it she'd hopped into place and began to dance impatiently, staring at the huge clock that hung high on the front wall.
    Ten minutes and fifty seven seconds, she thought. Her jaw clenched tighter and tighter.
    That was why, when the nice lady running her card through the register told her her card had been declined, Chloe at first didn't realize what had happened.
    "What?" she said. "No, that can't be right, I have enough for this."
    The older woman, her hair sandy and gray, gave Chloe a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, but your card has been declined."
    “That's not possible.” Chloe stared at her. She knew she had at least two hundred dollars left on her limit...
    The cashier just shook her head and handed the card back. "I'm sorry," she said. "Do you have another method of payment?"
    Numbly Chloe opened her wallet. A flock of moths might as well have flown out for all she had in there in terms of cash, but her debit card peeked out from behind her driver's license. She had maybe fifty dollars in her checking account and she was loath to touch it lest she somehow accidentally overdraft, but she bit her lip and handed it to the cashier anyway. She'd have enough time to worry about her card and her meager bank account after she was no longer in fear of her life or the lives of others.
    The woman zipped it through the slot on her register, but her lips tightened when a red message popped up on her screen. "I'm sorry, ma'am," she said, "but this card has been canceled."
    "Canceled!" Chloe stared at her. Then she realized.
    James .
    Their finances were joint. He must have canceled the checking account and the credit cards now that they were broken up.
    ...What was she going to do ?
    "I..." Chloe shook her head, unable to process what was happening. "I have to go. Keep the clothes." Her face numb, her cheeks burning with embarrassment, she turned and ran out of the store, the ground seeming to heave and pitch beneath her feet as she stumbled into the harshly-lit parking lot. Dragging cold
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