Dazzled by Silver
door and across the street to my office. I’ve been lucky to land a job at this bank two years ago. The current economy didn’t leave many options. And with my student loans and bills, someone up there was definitely looking out for me. Two hours into my day I stared at my phone when it vibrated. I nearly dropped it. The incoming text was from none other than my mysterious bartender.
    G.SILVER: I’m sorry I had to rush out. Hope to make it up tonight.
    “How did you get my number?” I said to the phone shaking it.
    Someone knocked on my door. I placed the phone on my lap, under the desk. “Come in.”
    Cindy, the receptionist, peeked in. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Sam, but you have a delivery.” She pushed open the door, allowing the courier to bring a huge bouquet of roses into my office. “I don’t know what you did for these, but they’re beautiful.”
    My cheeks burned again. I touched a petal of one yellow rose. A sweet smell filled the room.
    “Someone I need to know about?” She poked teasingly at my ribcage.
    “Right here would be good.” I cleared the papers off the corner of my desk. My heart pounded. I thought I knew exactly who they were from. After all, who else could it be? My phone buzzed in my palm causing my insides to flip-flop with excitement.
    “That will be all, Cindy.” I flashed a polite smile that asked her to mind her work.
    As soon as the door closed, I took out my phone.
    G.SILVER: I hope you like them.
    Quickly, I typed back.
    SAM: I do. Thank you! Are you stalking me?
    My supply of adrenaline would be emptied before the end of the day. Gabe was not only a sexy bartender, but also a mysterious businessman and a romantic at heart. Another vibration sounded.
    G.SILVER: Just trying to please a woman ☺
    I punched the keys again.
    SAM: Are you saying your orgasms aren’t enough to please?
    This time, the vibration spread from my palm through my entire body.
    G.SILVER: Would you like me to come and prove you wrong, Samantha?
    He wouldn’t dare, would he? I replied, biting my lip.
    SAM: No alcohol allowed at work.
    When the next signal came in, I couldn’t contain my excitement. My heart pounded, and my palms shook. The night with Kendra seemed more distant in my memory every minute. The screen flashed a new message.
    G.SILVER: I don’t need alcohol to give a fantastic orgasm.
    I wiggled my fingers, and then answered. SAM: Promises, promises…
    The ticking of my watch sounded like a grandfather clock as I waited. The phone remained silent. I pressed my fingers to my temples. Perhaps I’d taunted Gabe too much? I wished I’d kept the conversation going. He drew me out of my shell like no one else had, and it felt like I’d known him for years, not hours.
    Twenty minutes later the intercom in my office clicked. “Sam, there’s someone here to see you,” Cindy said.
    “I don’t have any appointments scheduled.” My brows narrowed.
    “It’s an unscheduled visit, I think.” Her voice quieted to a whisper. “I think you may want to take this one. I would.”
    Could it be? My heart jumped as I stood up almost knocking down the chair. An insistent knock on the door echoed.
    “This way, sir.” Lust seeped from Cindy’s voice.
    I was sure I’d be the week’s gossip in the coffee room.
    Gabe stepped into my office with a devilish grin on his face and locked the door behind him. He looked like he’d just had lunch with Hades himself. The fire in his eyes beamed brighter than Olympic flames.
    “What are you doing here?” My voice shook, and my hand flew up to cover my mouth.
    “I keep my promises.” His stroll toward me seemed in slow motion.
    The steps he took sent shivers through my body, each one finding its way to the hottest part between my legs.
    “No alcohol at work,” I whispered.
    “Do you see me holding a bottle, Samantha?”
    The way he called me by my full name had me melting in my own skin. It sounded like he made love to each syllable. My gaze lowered
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